Monday, September 21, 2020


By Jusline Marco-Arusha

The head of the ELCT church, who is also the head of the Northern Diocese in Kilimanjaro, Bishop Dr. Fredrick Onael Shoo has called on religious leaders to use their positions to encourage their members to pray for the general election as well as elect honest leaders who hate corruption.

Leading the retirement service for Bishop Auxiliary Bishop Paul Elipokea Urio, Dr. Shoo said that in the run-up to the general election on October 28 this year it is good for the people to elect righteous, God-fearing and anti-corruption leaders as corruption is the enemy of justice. the majority in the campaign to listen to policy in order to make the right decisions on election day.

“I would like to take this opportunity to urge Christians and Tanzanians in general to elect a qualified leader who will be the first to fight corruption by appearing in various party campaigns to listen to their policies and you Christians in your position must reject corruption in any way. and do not allow yourself to be manipulated by people. “said Dr. Shoo

In addition, Dr. Shoo urged Christians to continue to rely on God and not to use their own minds while knowing that in Christ they are one family so he has asked them to continue to do the work of the Lord always because in that work is the reward of Christ.

He also called on all leaders and believers to see the importance of knowing the basics of their faith and managing it in leading the people as many Christians do not have enough understanding of what they believe which is why their faith is constantly shaken.

Opening the 14th General Assembly of the Meru Diocese held at Makumira University, the Bishop of the Diocese of Meru Rev. Elias Kitoi called on the delegates to maintain the unity they have for the success of the diocese and the diocese as a whole. to register and vote on the day of the general election on October 28 this year.

“Participate in this great meeting by giving positive thoughts to move forward and it is faith that this meeting will strengthen you, calm you down and be a spiritual meeting so that you can continue to do the Lord’s work always knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord for he will deliver you safely.” Bishop Kitoi

Giving the greetings of the regional government on behalf of Arusha Regional Commissioner Iddy Kimanta, Arumeru District Commissioner Jerry Muro at the meeting briefed the general election process on September 20 this year in his district to light the process. There was no violence or violence as a result of the prayers of Christians where he asked the delegates to continue to pray for the country especially in the general election as the nation needs prayers to be able to cross safely in the election in which every Tanzanian has the right and opportunity to vote and choose the right leader.

He added that the district government joins the church in thanking all the hardships the country has gone through, including the Covid 19 tragedy, where the prayers of the Christians and their fasting and continuing to cry out to God were what kept the country safe from the tragedy and added that for two years. They have seen the stability of the church and witnessed its partnership with the government in providing spiritual and physical services to believers and citizens as it has been two years of great success in the work that the church has done including organizing synergies to build various churches as well as strengthening speed and standard. provision of spiritual services to citizens.

He explained that there are various things that the fifth phase government has done and led the country to enter the history of the world by recognizing and appearing to enter the middle income economy as there are many nations aspired to be middle economy nations but Tanzania God has preferred and will continue to be with it

The Bishop of the Diocese of North Central Dr. Solomon Masangwa said that the success they have achieved in the past two years is an achievement that comes again in the following years so he urged members of the conference not to leave the Lord where he also touched on the issue of general elections. and to choose the best leader who will serve them for the development of the people.

Earlier reading the history of the retired ministry, the General Secretary of the Meru Diocese stated that Rev. Paul Elipokea Urio was born in 1955 in Sing’isi village in Arumeru District and was baptized in 1965 and began serving in the Lord’s work in 1977 as a pastor. 1981 he was blessed to be a pastor in the Poli Congregation and from 2002 to 2018 he served as assistant to the Bishop of the Diocese of Meru.

At the same time, the Retired Auxiliary thanked all the Christians of the Diocese of Meru for honoring him for the work he has done for about 39 years where he asked the diocesan people in general to maintain solidarity and love among themselves as each one commits himself to serve God.

Bishop of the Diocese of Meru Rev. Elias Kitoi, opens the 14th General Assembly of the Diocese of Meru held at Makumira University.

Some delegates attending the 14th General Assembly of the Diocese of Meru closely followed the opening remarks of the conference.

Arumeru District Commissioner Jerry Muro receiving regional greetings on behalf of Arusha Regional Commissioner Iddy Kimanta at the 14th General Assembly of the Diocese of Meru, held at Makumira University in Arusha Region.

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