Friday, November 1, 2019

The Secret Mindset of the successful Entrepreneurs

Apparently, some people naturally possess these skills, but in reality, most of the methods that lead to success can be learned and developed over time and practice.

1. Set goals and persevere

How to become a good entrepreneur? Here's the short version: set clear goals and be determined to reach them.

Writing a list of goals that you will review regularly is one of the keys to your business success. Putting in place a clear and detailed road-map will facilitate the implementation of your goals.

Do not hesitate to set up strict and strict project management methods so that the skills, tools, and techniques at your disposal are well oriented in the same direction and can meet the requirements of your company.

Use these methods to establish your personal checklist and review it at least weekly.

Above all, have unshakable confidence in your project. If you are enthusiastic and really excited about what you are doing, people will naturally be inclined to follow you! Achieving these goals takes time and energy!

To succeed in your business, you must be willing to keep going when others are tempted to throw in the towel. If you give up, everyone around you will give up too. Keep a cool head to cope with a hard blow and stay motivated in tough times.

2. Get organized and manage your time

It is difficult to manage others effectively if one is unable to manage oneself. For an entrepreneur, acquiring management autonomy means prioritizing one's own objectives and being responsible for their achievement.

To become more efficient, make it a habit to learn how to manage your time and attention well while remaining aware of your strengths and weaknesses.

Managing your time is about making money! To succeed in your business project and increase productivity, here is a simple method:

  • Create a list of goals, starting with your long-term goals to your most specific daily tasks.

  • Identify the essential tasks for your strategic development: customer acquisition, sales development, quality, production... it is on these that you must invest the most energy and effort.

  • Eliminate tasks that do not match your goals.

  • Delegate tasks that do not necessarily have to be done by you.

Spend more time on activities that generate revenue!

3. Adapt your strategy in case of unforeseen

Today's successful business leaders are those who favor a forward-thinking and open-minded approach.

According to a report from Harvard Business Publishing entitled Leading Now: Critical Capabilities for a Complex World " Leaders must always be prepared to adapt their strategies to capture emerging opportunities or r elevate unforeseen challenges ."

Thinking strategically is an ongoing process that involves assessing the situation and the economic environment of your company.

Even the best strategies need to be analyzed and updated from time to time! A new competitor, an evolution of customer needs or a new technological element...

All of these elements inevitably lead to new challenges and therefore changes in your strategic vision.

Do not be overwhelmed by the endless to-do-list of everyday life!

Take a step back from time to time, to ask yourself about your approach, review all of your objectives and check the meaning of your actions.

You can develop effective strategic thinking in one of the following ways:

  1. Identify your risks: Be curious and stay alert about your business's business environment, identify all your risks in a detailed SWOT analysis, imagine different scenarios (including causes and consequences) and review the constraints of the project.

  2. Be flexible! Accept the change rather than following the initial plans. You promote your success by staying flexible in your thinking and trying new approaches and ideas.

  3. Maintain a positive attitude! Focus on the future. Keep your goals in mind and if you feel discouraged, use other entrepreneurs or a management coach to guide and support you.

4. Learning to communicate well

The best entrepreneurs know when to talk and when to listen. They are efficient communicators, able to explain everything in a few words to their employees, from the organization's objectives to more specific tasks.

If employees do not understand or are not aware of your expectations, they fail.

Therefore, the more precise you are, the better!

To succeed in your business, you must learn to communicate with your teams by phone, email and social media at all levels:

  • Individually in maintenance 1 to 1.

  • with a whole department or

  • with all the staff.

Communication is based on a constant flow of exchanges of ideas and verbal and nonverbal information.

To succeed in business, you must be accessible and involve people from different hierarchical levels.

5. Distinguish authority and leadership

First, good entrepreneurs take responsibility for their own mistakes - and expect others to do the same. They are able to work within well-established procedures while being productive and effective in their decisions.

Most importantly, successful entrepreneurs make the difference between authority and leadership. They learn to use their power and authority appropriately, without overwhelming their collaborators.

They know that it is important to support and encourage individuality while understanding organizational structures and the need to respect rules and policies. They seek to know how an error has occurred, rather than who has committed it.

The successful entrepreneurs establish standards and guidelines, and then they leave to their employees the flexibility and autonomy to work in the way that best suits them, in compliance with these guidelines.

6. Clarify your vision

The successful entrepreneurs working on their entrepreneurial vision: they spend time to consider the future of their business from all angles, and to set clear and concrete objectives related to this vision.

These goals will benefit their organization as they inspire confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm to those around them.

Being visionary is about managing change while balancing stability with growth. You need to integrate new approaches without distracting yourself from the main objectives.

Being a visionary also means understanding that continuous changes are happening all around you. What worked in the past may not always work now or in the future.

Question your approach, your goals, your habits. Practice being more adaptable and flexible as you implement new strategies and allow your business model to evolve over time.

7. Make decisions quickly

Successful entrepreneurs learn to solve problems and make decisions in rapidly changing circumstances. Learning to lead in a complex environment is an essential skill for any leader.

Even before any definitive information is available, effective leaders must assess the complexity of the situation and choose appropriate action plans.

According to a Harvard Business Publishing report, this means being able to analyze the environment in search of subtle trends and disruptive change indicators and put in place practices that allow your organization to react quickly.

In fact: the more time you take to evaluate a situation and ask yourself what to do, the more money your company can lose.

Sometimes doing nothing can be very expensive!

The successful entrepreneurs are not necessarily those who never make mistakes, but those who make quick decisions can assess their impacts and change course just as quickly when they find they were wrong.

8. Foster creativity and innovation

To become a good entrepreneur, risk experimenting and encourage creativity.

This fosters innovation that can move your organization to new destinations and the meanders of a changing business landscape.

The key is always to persevere in pursuing your goals and be open and flexible in how to achieve it.

Encourage people around you to spend at least 15% of their time exploring new ideas through brainstorming and prototyping.

9. Promote team spirit

A successful entrepreneur learns to rely on the people around him. The strength of a company is defined and enriched by the people who work there. Being successful in attracting and nurturing the enthusiasm of your employees is one of the keys to your business success.

Happy employees are more efficient, more involved and more cooperative!

Strong teams and teamwork are essential to achieving many items on this list, such as:

  • Encouraging innovation,

  • Effective communication,

  • and achieving the goals of your organization.

The constitution of a confident and motivated team E is essential to direct a single group but with personalities, motivations and different skills.

If you recruit and develop the right team, you will create an unstoppable force that will contribute to the success of your business.

10. Create relationships based on trust

The successful entrepreneurs do more than just inspire others to follow; They inspire confidence and this has a very strong impact on their success.

When you develop trust, you create a super positive image of your business, based on values ​​of credibility, security, and reliability.

This represents a differentiation and a strong competitive advantage! Hence the importance of developing business confidence.

Place trust at the heart of your company's value system and culture, and lead by example. This is for:

  1. Your customer relationships: By being honest, transparent, delivering on your promises and trying to ensure the best possible customer experience, you build trust in your products/services, and that represents a strong differentiation and competitive advantage!

  2. Your employees: Successful entrepreneurs know how to motivate their employees to strive wholeheartedly to achieve their business goals. Employees who feel valued and appreciated, who feel that what they are doing makes a difference, will be motivated to make more effort for the success of their business.

  3. Your network: Successful entrepreneurs also understand that they need to be effective in terms of networking, not only to advance their career but also for the benefit of their organization. By creating a broad and diverse network of people based on trust, business leaders build strong relationships with their customers, partners and even their competitors.

11. Learn continuously for books and success stories

To become a good entrepreneur, know that the strength of your leadership lies in your ability to adapt to circumstances that change suddenly, and when and how to seize opportunities in a changing

Showing an insatiable curiosity will fuel your desire to learn and grow continuously. Learning is based on the acquisition of critical thinking skills, acceptance of uncertainty, social and emotional intelligence, and the desire and determination to progress.

Bill Gates tells him he reads 50 books a year. And he thinks that reading a book a week is an easy habit to integrate and that pays a lot. My personal choice is always the best business books, traditional Indian books like Vedas, Bhagwat Geeta and my favorite one is Chanakya Neeti. You have to know that reading is a very powerful weapon. It allows you to open your mind and to transform yourself in depth.

It's the best way to make a life change smoothly.

Here is the additional tips to start reading effectively and without becoming a chore.


If you really think you do not have time to read because you are always busy working, taking care of the house, gardening, dishes...

Download audiobooks, it will allow you to draw the substance while doing something else. Me, for example, I listen to audiobooks all the time. When I'm at work, when I'm moving, or when I'm doing something that does not need my brain to boil.

This makes it a simple habit to integrate into my life and that brings me a lot. I save a lot of time and especially it allows me to integrate a lot of information.

After everyone's preference, some people prefer to have the book in their hands rather than in their ears.

It's up to you to see what you prefer.

Do not take your head.  When we read a book, we often try to understand everything.

Sometimes some sentences are complicated, so we read them several times to integrate the given notion.

And that can be frustrating in the long run. Especially for business books that are often quite heavy and indigestible. And especially when it's a new habit that we try to take.

I am convinced of one thing. The right information comes at the right time. And when it is presented to your brain, it happens to make connections that can take you far into thinking.

Where am I coming from?

There is no point in wanting to immediately integrate 100% of the information that is in a book. On the contrary, it is necessary to take the 20% which will give you 80% of the results.

And how to recognize 20%? Let your brain go. The 20% you will need, will resonate with you during their passage and your brain will analyze them and apply them to your business. And you will integrate them automatically.

We hope this article will give you the inspiration to succeed in your business project!