Opportunity for young African Researchers from MS TCDC: the African Dignity Index Fellow

The African Dignity Index (ADI) is a project of the MS Training Center for Development Cooperation (MS-TCDC) in partnership with Africans Rising and is spearheaded by MS TCDC’s Leadership and Governance Academy Research Team.
The African Dignity Index (ADI) – towards a measure for human dignity on the African continent – is an attempt towards having a measurement tool for human dignity among Africans, as a contribution toward a continuous assessment of progress toward Agenda 2063. The ADI adopts the Agenda 2063 Aspirations as the cardinal framework for analysis, as well as a foundational basis for selection of the thematic dimensions of measurement, along which measurement indicators are derived. The ADI intends to become an annual publication and its impact will be measured on the basis of a theory of change.
ADI Fellowship
The African Dignity Fellowship (ADF) is MS TCDC’s flagship fellowship program, a vehicle through which the ADI is largely pursued within the framework of the wider MS TCDC research agenda. ADF is aimed at creating avenues for research and debate that results in raising the profile and awareness of often neglected but eminent issues of concern in the African society through research, debate and conscious arts. The fellowship identifies and engages with especially talented researchers, experts, practitioners and conscious artists with whom a variety of solutions-oriented research, debates and social dialogues initiatives are pursued in relevant areas of MS TCDC’s core mandate. The ADF fellowship offers passionate researchers and conscious artists an opportunity to pursue individual and/or group objectives on a range of issues of prominent interest to society. Specifically, the ADI Fellow will be supporting the work of the ADI Task Team, which is further supported by an extended skills-based team including the Peer Review Team, Regional Contributors, Country Assessors and Country Reviewers.
The ADI fellow will be selected mainly on the basis of his/her potential to pursue cutting edge research and other innovative study tasks that will contribute to the development of the African Dignity Index.
Terms of the fellowship
In this regard, this expression of interest is launched for interested African individuals especially young researchers who wish to be considered as the African Dignity Index Fellow.
The Fellowship is extended to one Fellow, and cannot be delegated or exchanged. MS TCDC will support the Fellow as follows:
1. A modest stipend subjected to local withholding tax applicable in Tanzania;
2. When travel is necessary, the fellow will be facilitated for such travels
3. When required to be on the TCDC campus, the Fellow receives full board, accommodation and meals
Application Guidelines
Interested individuals are invited to submit their most recent resume, a motivational letter highlighting research experience and the contribution towards the publication of the African Dignity Index to adi@mstcdc.or.tz
Deadline: 23rd August 2021
Tap or Click here for the full description of the fellowship before sending your application.
The post Opportunity for young African Researchers from MS TCDC: the African Dignity Index Fellow appeared first on Ajira - Nafasi za kazi Tanzania 2019.
source https://ajira-nafasizakazitz.com/43450/