Jobs at Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA)
Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA) were officially
inaugurated by Hon. Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa Kassim on 2nd July
2017. The launching of TARURA followed after -announcement in the
National Gazette with GN 211 of 12nd May 2017.
The Prime Minister directed the TARURA to kick out rampant corruption
that prevails in tender processes, especially for road projects. “Only
capable contractors should be hired to execute road projects through
competitive tendering,” remarked the Premier. He also ordered TARURA to
address poor supervision of the construction contracts between
contractors and authorities in road projects, emphasizing on
transparency in all contracts for public works.
Mr. Majaliwa warned some district council leaders whom he accused of
re-channeling funds allocated for roadworks to other projects,
reiterating that funds should be used as per the planned
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Deadline: 04th June, 2020
Warning: Any Job Vacancy Requesting Payment is a Scam
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