Friday, December 15, 2017

Employment posts at The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT)

Employment posts at The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT)

The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) is a public private partnership that aims to transform agriculture in Tanzania’s Southern Corridor. Partners include local and international companies, farmers, development partners, Civil Society Organizations (CSOS) and the Tanzanian Government. By 2030, the partnership aims to attract USD 3.2 billion of investments, transforming 350,000 hectares of arable land into profitable production and lifting 10,000 small scale farmers into commercial farming.
SAGCOT Centre Ltd. functions as the operational hub, promoting investments in inclusive, sustainable commercial value chains. The SAGCOT Centre Ltd. is also a neutral broker and catalyst that links different agriculture stakeholders in order to help achieve major economic growth in Tanzania.

 SAGCOT Centre Ltd. is currently seeking to fill the following positions:
 Full Time Position: Cluster Manager, based in one of the Operational SAGCOT Clusters
 Job Purpose:  The Cluster Manager will provide technical leadership and oversight to allocated Cluster. Under the supervision of Head of Cluster and Partnership Development, the CM will oversee all cluster technical staff and ensure effective programme management and implementation at the cluster level. She/he will be responsible for leading a broad spectrum of activities, including strategic planning, programme management, overall program execution and evaluation, technical thought leadership and facilitation of current knowledge sharing.

 The Cluster Manager will assist the Head of Cluster and Partnership Development in the Implementation of Cluster Development Frameworks (CDFs) and Plans to create “functional” cluster with better integrated value chains and with actors and operations that are better linked with each other and with others outside the cluster. The Cluster Manager will assist the Head of Cluster and Partnership Development in the management and facilitation of strategic partnerships (value chain specific & thematic) in the SAGCOT priority Clusters. The Cluster Manager is expected to contribute to the creation of SCL’s positive image and overall credibility, notably through the application of SCL’s mandate, ethics, values and stand-point with regard to other actors.
Full Time Position: Cluster Coordinator (one post) based in Mbeya
 Job Purpose: The main objective of this function is to assist the Cluster Manager (CM) to catalyse, inform, coordinate and support sustainable and inclusive agricultural development in the SAGCOT priority Clusters. She/He will be responsible for cluster level partnership identification, management, networking, coordination and facilitation, information management, partner & stakeholder convening, build trust with, and obtain the confidence of local farmers, farmers’ organizations and agri-businesses.
 Full Time Position: Agribusiness Development Specialist, (one post) based in Mbeya
Job Purpose: Assist the Cluster Manager in the implementation of cluster development activities in the Mbarali cluster
Key activities include: managing value chain dynamics, business modelling, market intelligence, gap analysis, and managing B2B and B2Farmer linkages

 Full Time Position: Office Administrator, (one post) based in Mbeya
 Job Purpose: Contribute in provision of high quality services and support in Accounts, Human Resources, Administration, procurement and IT systems and general administrative processes within the organisation ensuring service-orientation and a customer focus. Promote continuous quality improvement through the front office management

 Full Time Position: Drivers, based in Mbeya(1 post) and Dar (1 post)
 Job Purpose: To drive passengers within the country as required, take proper care of assigned vehicles and implement the SCL Transport Management policy, provide administration and general support to the office and the team

 Full Time Position: Policy Manager, based in Dodoma (1 post)
 Job Purpose: To assist the Head of Policy in the implementation of Workstream 2 (Policy and Enabling Environment) and the broader engagement of the Government of Tanzania and Development Partners for priority public investments in the clusters (Workstream 1). To manage and coordinate relationships with key strategic partners especially Government Ministries in Dodoma Offices

 Full Time Position: Policy Coordinator, based in Dar (1 post)
 Job Purpose: This position aims at supporting the Centre to engage the public and private sectors to dialogue and collaborate in creating an enabling environment for farmers and private sector partners through policy and regulatory framework. This falls under the implementation of Work stream 2 of the SAGCOT Centre i.e. (Policy and Enabling Environment) involving a broader engagement of the Government of Tanzania and Development Partners on the same.

How to Apply 
Qualified and Interested candidates are welcome to apply before the deadline of 5th January 2018. Complete job descriptions of these positions can be viewed in the SAGCOT Centre Ltd. website where minimum qualifications and key responsibilities are detailed.
Qualified and Interested candidates should attach a cover letter clearly stating which job you are applying for and a copy of your Curriculum Vitae and certified copies of academic certificate. Please send your application to  or Hand delivery to the following SAGCOT Centre Ltd. Tanzania Private Sector Foundation, Ground Floor, 1288 Mwaya Road, Masaki P.O. Box 11313 | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania | Web:
 Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Source: The Guardian 14 December, 2017