Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Nafasi za kazi 37 Chuo kikuu cha Taifa cha Zanzibar – SUZA

The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) is the only Public University in Zanzibar established by Act No. 8 of the House of Representatives of 1999 which was amended by Act No. 11 of 2009 and reamended by Act No. 7 of 2016. Since its inception in 2002 it has been expanding in academic programmes as well as student enrolment. Its vision is to be the most preferred University in the Eastern Africa.

SUZA invites applications from suitably qualified and competent Tanzanians to be considered to fill the following vacant posts.


1. ICT – Officer (One post – Unguja )
2. Procurement Officer Assistant (Two posts – Unguja)
3. Admission Officer (One post – Unguja)
4. Quality Assurance Officer ( One post – Unguja)
5. Office Attendants (Three posts – Unguja (2), Pemba (1))
6. Office Secretary ( One Post – Unguja)
7. Library Assistant ( One post – Pemba)
8. Library Officer ( One post – Unguja)
9. Human Resource Officer ( One post – Unguja)
10. Record Management Clerk ( One post – Unguja)
11. Civil Engineer Construction ( One post – Unguja)
12. Transport Officer ( One post – Unguja)
13. Plumber ( One post – Unguja)
14. Laboratory Technician Hatchery ( One post – Unguja)
15. Laboratory Technician ( One post – Pemba)
16. Graphics and Language Editor ( One post – Unguja)
17. Student Welfare Officer ( One post – Unguja)
18. Senior Research Officer ( One post – Unguja)
19. Nursing Officer ( One post – Unguja)
20. Clinical Officer ( One post – Unguja)
21. Medical Laboratory Technician ( One post – Unguja)

ICT – Officer (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science/IT/Computer Engineering OR
Equivalent at undergraduate level.
ii. Prior experience in ICT activities is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Have a working experience with Ubuntu/RedHat Linux/Windows servers.
v. Have an excellent understanding of TCP/IP, IP routing, VLAN, and common
communication protocols.
vi. Knowledge of relational database systems utilized in a network environment (e.g.,
MySQL, MS SQL Server and Oracle)
vii. Knowledge of Virtualization.
viii. Scripting skills under Linux (Bash, Perl, etc.).
ix. Knowledge and skills using web-based programming and applications/tools such as
HTML, XML, Java Server Pages (JSP) and PHP.
x. Knowledge of Cyber roam or Cisco Access Control List (ACL).
xi. Relevant IT Certifications (MCSA, MCSE, Red Hat, CCNA, A+, Network+,
Security+, etc.)

Duties and Responsibilities

i. Participates in preparation of practical classes and perform consultancy activities
in collaboration with qualified ICT expertise
ii. Identifies troubleshoots and resolves hardware-, software- and network-related
problems encountered by end-users of the University network, the Internet and
iii. Installs, certifies and troubleshoots campus and remote-campus network cabling
infrastructure, including a wide variety of local area network equipment and
iv. Administers Linux & Windows servers.
v. Maintains network & desktop printers, copiers, scanners, & other peripheral
vi. Trains end-users on the use and features of the various operating systems and
applications on the various platforms.
vii. Primary management of corporate network infrastructure including corporate
firewalls, routers and switches.
viii. Basic database management and administration.
ix. Implements backup and security systems.
x. Installs, maintains, modifies and tests web applications.
xi. Implements, configures, documents and troubleshoots Apache Web Server,
Postfix Mail Server, Application Server and DNS Server.
xii. Performs any other duties as may be directed by head of his/her department.

Procurement Officer Assistant (Two posts – Unguja)

i. Holder of Diploma in Procurement and Supply Management or related field.
ii. Prior experience in Procurement activities is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Advance knowledge and skills in ICT and Material Management from any recognized
organization is an added advantage.

Duties and Responsibilities
i) Assist to prepare Bid Document.
ii) Support the rationing of the Tender Board.
iii) Assist in planning the procurement and disposal activities of the university.
iv) Assist in recommending procurement and disposal procures.
v) Check and prepare statement of requirements.
vi) Assist in preparing advertisement for bid opportunities.
vii) Keep stores as per the set rules and regulations.
viii) Maintain provider list.
ix) Assist in preparing contract documents.
x) Maintain and achieve records of procurement and disposal process.
xi) Other University duties and responsibilities as may be assigned to him/her by senior

Admission Officer (One post – Unguja)
i. Holder of Bachelor Degree in Education or its equivalent qualification. Prior
experience in University level activities is an added advantage.
ii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iii. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i) Provides quality students services in areas of registration and academic records to
ensure accuracy and confidentiality of record.
ii) Develops and updates guidelines for admission criteria for approval.
iii) Updates students’ statistics.
iv) Handling registration forms and ensures that registration of students to various
programmes is carried out according to laid down admission criteria in order to
maintain standards.
v) Coordinates students’ information system across schools.
vi) Issues proper guidelines/policy on admission in order to capture students’ data and
receive reports from course instructors.
vii) Performs any other University duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by
senior officials.

Quality Assurance Officer (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Bachelor Degree in Education or its equivalent qualification.
ii. Prior experience in University level activities is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. To authenticate “O” level and “A” level certificates of SUZA admitted students from
relevant bodies such as the Tanzania Commission for Universities, National
Examinations Council of Tanzania and of the National and International Academic
ii. To arrange for a review/evaluation and monitor existence of curricula for the courses.
iii. Scouting of invigilation process of the same.
iv. To monitor teaching and learning outcomes of the programmes in liaison with teacher
and students leaders.
v. To ensure that the proposed new and revised programmes follow guidelines set up by
the Senate.
vi. To establish students’ feedback and evaluation process.
vii. To advise University management on quality measures to be adopted by the
viii. To prepare and submit periods report of his/her activities to his/her seniors.
ix. To comply and observe the University laws, regulations and guidelines.
x. To observe a code of conduct and ethics.
xi. Performs any other University duties and responsibilities as may be assigned to
him/her by senior officials.

Office Attendants (Three posts – Unguja (2) and Pemba (1))

i. Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (Form four) or its
ii. Previous experience or similar duties from recognized organizations is an added

Duties and Responsibilities
i. After receiving appropriate orientation an attendant will be assigned duties of
cleanliness, order and serving as per specific requirements of area of deployment.

Office Secretary (One Post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Diploma in Secretarial Studies OR Equivalent qualification from
recognized institution.
ii. Applicant must be fluent in Swahili and English languages.
iii. Knowledge of other languages and Human Resource Management or Public
Administration will be an added advantage.
iv. Applicant must have working experience of 3 years with high level of discipline.
v. Applicant must be computer literate
vi. Capability of handling heavy work load and extra working hours.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. To type all general correspondences including confidential matters
ii. To receive visitors and direct them to respect officer
iii. To file minutes, correspondences and other documents
iv. To maintain diary of appointment for other officer he/she work with
v. To ensure availability of adequate office supplies and other services
vi. To carry out minor administrative and Human Resource duties
vii. Performs any other duties as delegated to him by her/his supervisors.

Library Assistant (One Post – Pemba)

i. Holder of Diploma in Library Studies.
ii. Prior experience in University level librarianship activities is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office application is an added advantage.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Administers borrowing and returning of books.
ii. Processes added copies and continuations.
iii. Maintains library catalogues.
iv. Ensures proper shelving of books and periodicals.
v. Copies catalog with CIP data.
vi. Handles inter library loans-gifts and exchanges.
vii. Performs any other duties assigned by the Head of section.

Library Officer (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Degree in Library studies.
ii. Prior experience in academic institution activities is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Document processing.
ii. Updates commended regulations.
iii. Drafts original catalogue entries, reference work, collection development and
iv. Supervises routine use of the library’s collections.
v. Performs any other duties as may be assigned from time to time by senior officials.

Human Resource Officer (One post – Unguja)

i. Holders of Bachelor Degree in Human Resource Management or Public
ii. Prior experience in Human Resource or Public Administration activities and ability to
write correction free report is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office applications.
v. Must be able to work under minimum supervision.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Assists in recruitment process (Compilation of personal particulars for new
ii. Assists in conducting staff performance appraisal.
iii. Assists in the provision of HR administrative services.
iv. Assists in conducting periodic surveys to determine the prospective manpower
demands and supply situation.
v. Makes prompt response to job applicants.
vi. Checks the accuracy of job application data.
vii. Assists in staff training and development plans.
viii. Assists in other routine Human Resource tasks like staff leave, salary administration
ix. Performs any other duties assigned by relevant higher authority.

Record Management Clerk (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Diploma in Record Management or its equivalent qualification.
ii. Prior experience in Record Management activities is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Opens new files and indexes cards as directed by the Supervisor;
ii. Maintains an up-to-date register of Office files.
iii. Files correspondence into the appropriate files and cross references.
iv. Copies correspondence to relevant files and attaches them whenever
deemed necessary.
v. Gives file searchers numbers of files which are required for filing.
vi. Reviews pending correspondence and lists files required for filing.
vii. Maintains up-to-date file index books.
viii. Be responsible for Kalamazoo.
ix. Performs any other duties which may be assigned by senior officials.

Civil Engineer Construction (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Degree in Civil Engineering Construction.
ii. Prior experience in Construction activities is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Supervision of University building construction.
ii. Works closely with Foreman under supervision of senior staff.
iii. Assists in innovative approaches to conditioning, maintaining and upgrading the
surroundings of University buildings.
iv. Assists in the planning of Estate activities and services.
v. Performs any other duties that may be assigned to him/her by his/her senior.

Transport Officer (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Diploma in Automotive Engineering or its equivalent qualification.
ii. Prior experience in Garage or Transport Management services from recognized
organization in similar activities is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Verifies more complicated problems in the vehicle needing repair.
ii. Conducts minor repair on University vehicles.
iii. Ensures that the University vehicles are insured accordingly.
iv. Supervises services of the University’s vehicles.
v. Advises and participates in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of
University’s transport policies.
vi. Requests and reports on the need for major repairs on University’s vehicles.
vii. Supervises performance and training of Drivers.
viii. Coordinates and arrange transport in all university campus.
ix. Performs any other duties as may be assigned from time to time by respective
Director and senior officials.

Plumber (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Certificate of Plumbing or its equivalent qualification from a
recognized institution.
ii. Prior experience in Plumber activities and understanding of English language is
an added advantage.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Maintains repairs and installs simple equipment in water supply system.
ii. Performs specific technical jobs requiring high skills/plumber.
iii. Performs drainage and sanitation activities.
iv. Performs and repair tape water and other water system in the university.
v. Performs any other duties as delegated by his/her superior.

Laboratory Technician Hatchery (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Diploma of Aquaculture/Fisheries or its equivalent qualification.
ii. Prior experience in Hatchery activities is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Knowledge of Swimming is an added advantage.
v. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Organizes practical activities for students.
ii. Participates in consultancy projects under close supervision of senior staff.
iii. Assists academic staff in their research and development activities.
iv. Plans and supervises maintenance of laboratory/workshop facilities.
v. Performs and maintains Fishing pool.
vi. Cleans and cares swimming pool/Hatchery.
vii. Maintains and takes care of diving gears and hatchery tools.
viii. Provides food and cares for young fish.
ix. Performs laboratory tasks in order to produce reliable and precise data to support
scientific investigations.
x. Carries out routine tasks accurately and following strict methodologies to carry
out analyses.
xi. Collects, prepares specimens and samples for analysis or storage.
xii. Constructs, maintains and operates standard laboratory equipments.
xiii. Ensures that the laboratory is well-stocked and resourced.
xiv. Records and sometimes interprets results to present to senior colleagues.
xv. Keeps up to date with technical developments, especially those which can save
time and improve reliability.
xvi. Conducts searches on identified topics relevant to the existing the research within
the center.
xvii. Follows and ensures strict safety procedures and safety checks.
xviii. Studies fish and shellfish rearing and husbandry techniques to determine the best
ways to raise and keep the aquatic organisms.
xix. Keeps and maintains research equipments in good and acceptable standard
xx. Keeps the laboratory in good working condition as acceptable by the scientific
xxi. Performs any other duties as may be assigned by senior officials.

Laboratory Technician (One post – Pemba)

i. Holder of Diploma of Science (Combination of Chemistry, Physics and Biology)
or it equivalent qualification.
ii. Prior experience in Science Laboratory activities is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Performs specified laboratory tasks which require high skills under minimum
ii. Participates in preparation of practical classes and performs consultancy activities
in collaboration with a qualified Laboratory Scientist.
iii. Performs maintenance and service work on simple laboratory equipment.
iv. Performs any other duties as may be directed by senior officials.

Graphics and Language Editor (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Degree in Mass Communication or its equivalent qualification.
ii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iii. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.
iv. Knowledge of producing TV Programmes.
v. Prior experience in Graphics and Language Editor activities is an added

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Performs specified Graphics and Language Editor jobs which require high skills
under minimum supervision.
ii. Participates in preparation of TV Programmes.
iii. Preparation and editing of News.
iv. Should have ability to use move cameras and other broadcasting tools.
v. Performs any other duties as may be directed by senior officials.
Student Welfare Officer (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Degree in Sociology or its equivalent qualification.
ii. Prior experience in Social work or Guidance and Counseling activities is an added
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Assists the Dean of students in students counseling and guidance in his or her
respective hall residence.
ii. Coordinates academic advice for students in his/her respective hall of residence in
collaboration with academic advisors.
iii. Coordinates students cultural, recreational and sports activities in his or her hall of
iv. Serves as an advisor to students’ Government at the hall of residence level and
attends meeting of the Health Committee and the Hall Assembly.
v. Issues permits to students who may experience emergencies that need absences from
the campus for some days.
vi. Takes care of students’ welfare and ensures that the sick are urgently treated and
taken care of satisfactorily.
vii. Performs any other duties as may be directed by senior official.

Senior Research Officer (One post – Unguja)

i. Holders of Master Degree in Education majoring in Research Management,
Publication or Consultancy or it equivalent qualification.
ii. Prior experience in Research Management, Publication or Consultancy activities is an
added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office applications.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Assists post graduate students in conducting research.
ii. Coordinates researches of Post Graduate students.
iii. Assists university staff in conducting research
iv. Collaborates with national and international agencies in conducting research
v. Assists in fund raising for research activities and tracking research funds for the
vi. Performs any other duties as may be directed by senior officials.

Nursing Officer (One post – Unguja)

i. Holders of Diploma in Nursing.
ii. Prior experience in nursing activities from recognized Health Care Unit is an added
iii. Basic skills in Microsoft office applications.
iv. Should have good command of English language.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Performs general nursing duties to in and out patients who come to the Primary
Health Care Unit (PHCU).
ii. Assists Clinical Officer (CO) in referring complicated Medical cases.
iii. Performs general cleanliness duties of Health Center’s building, surrounding and
iv. Supervises the General Nurses staff who come to PHCU for training.
v. Assists in ordering drugs for the PHCU.
vi. Be responsible for MCH matters.
vii. Performs any other duties as may be assigned by PHCU in-charge.

Clinical Officer (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Diploma in Clinical Medicine or its equivalent qualification.
ii. Prior experience in Clinical Medicine activities from recognized Medical Center
and basic skills in Microsoft office application are added advantages.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Makes proper diagnosis disease.
ii. Prescribes treatments.
iii. Treats different wounds.
iv. Gives first aid to MCH problems.
v. Attends all medical cases that come to PHCU.
vi. Maintains patient records and prepares refer accordingly.
vii. Performs any other duties as may be assigned by senior officials.

Medical Laboratory Technician (One post – Unguja)

i. Holder of Diploma in Medical Laboratory.
ii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iii. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.
iv. Prior experience in Medical laboratory activities from recognized Health Care
Center is an added advantage.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Takes and maintains patient/client diagnostic records.
ii. Performs laboratory diagnostic services.
iii. Supports health promotion on laboratory services at the facility and community
levels, including participating in voluntary blood donation campaign in
catchments area.
iv. Provides administrative and or support services to the laboratory (e.g. ordering
and indenting reagents and other supplies through facility in-charge)
v. Provides support to epidemics and emergency situation within catchments area.
vi. Conducts research, summarizes information and data on laboratory, public health
and administrative activities, prepares, maintains reports and disseminate to
higher level, facility and community.
vii. Provides job training to other staff through continuing education (Resource
viii. Performs any other duties as may be assigned by senior officials.

B. ACADEMIC POSTS (One post each – Unguja)
1. Assistant Lecturer – English Literature
2. Assistant Lecturer – Statistics
3. Assistant Lecturer – Procurement
4. Assistant Lecturer – Taxation
5. Assistant Lecturer – Heritage and Archeology Management
6. Assistant Lecturer – Environmental Health
7. Assistant Lecturer – Psychiatry
8. Assistant Lecturer – Orthopedic and Traumatology
9. Assistant Lecturer – Surgery
10. Assistant Lecturer – Physiotherapy
11. Assistant Lecturer – Education Management
12. Tutorial Assistant – Physical Education and Sport Science- PESS
13. Tutorial Assistant – Inclusive and Special Needs Education-ISNE

Assistant Lecturers
Applicants who apply for eleven (11) posts of Assistant Lecturers listed above must
possess qualifications elaborated hereunder in respective specializations.

i. Holders of Masters Degree in relevant areas of study with a GPA of not less than
3.5 Or Equivalent at undergraduate level.
ii. Prior experience in University level teaching is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Undertake Academic teaching, Research and Consultancy services to the Public and
Private Communities in areas of specialization.
ii. Perform any other University duties and responsibilities as assigned by senior

Tutorial Assistants
Applicants who apply for two (2) posts of Tutorial Assistant listed above must possess

qualification elaborated hereunder in respective specialization.

i. Holders of Bachelor Degree in relevant areas of specialization with a GPA of not less
than 3.5.
ii. Prior experience in University level teaching is an added advantage.
iii. Must be able to communicate in English fluently.
iv. Basic skills in Microsoft office application.

Duties and Responsibilities
i. Undertake Academic teaching, Research and Consultancy services to the Public and
Private Communities,
ii. Supervise seminars and practicals for students.
iii. Assist in setting assignments, tests and exams as prescribed in the course syllabus and fill
out assessment forms.
iv. Prepare marking schemes and to mark tests and assignments done by students.
v. Present examination and evaluation reports.
vi. Guide and advice students on matters related to their academic development.
vii. Assist in research work.
viii. Perform other University duties and responsibilities as may assigned by senior

Mode of Application
Applicants must attach copies of relevant certificates, current curriculum vitae, letter of
recommendation from three (3) outstanding academic/work referee (for applicants of
academic posts) and where applicable, the police clearance report, Zanzibar identification
card/National identification card or identification letter from Sheha of his residential area
and indicate reliable contact address e.g. telephone number, Telefax, e-mail etc.
o Applicants under Public service employment MUST forward their application letter
through their respective employers.
o Online applications with scanned credentials in PDF are acceptable.
o Candidates should apply on the strength of the information given in this
advertisement, applications failing to meet the above conditions will not be

o All applications should be addressed to the

Vice Chancellor, State University of Zanzibar,

P. O. Box 146,


and reach him not later than Tuesday 26th September 2017.
For further information, please contact the Directorate of Human Resource of the
State University of Zanzibar through hrd@suza.ac.tz  or visit our website –
Our contact addresses
E-mail: vc@suza.ac.tz
P. O. Box 146
Zanzibar – Tanzania
Tel: +255-24-2230724
Fax: +255-24-2233337