Wednesday, September 6, 2017



Job Opportunity: MASMA Programme Manager

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association is recruiting a Programme Manager for it Marine Science for Management (MASMA) Programme to be based at the WIOMSA Secretariat Office in Zanzibar, Tanzania.

The MASMA Programme:
The MASMA programme is the premier regional competitive research granting mechanism providing funding and technical support for coastal and marine research, training and communications in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region. MASMA was established to reduce the predominance of narrowly focused natural science research, limited emphasis on interdisciplinary research, and limited attention to the critical links between science and the larger societal issues in the region. Consequently, MASMA seeks to strengthen applied and interdisciplinary research on both the natural and social science aspects of coastal environmental issues for the purpose of advancing knowledge that is directly relevant to society and resource management.

Duties and Responsibilities:
The overall responsibility of the Programme Manager is the effective management of the MASMA Programme in accordance with the signed Programme Document, with a view to the timely and proper implementation of the Programme in its entirety. The Programme relies on a strong partnership between the WIOMSA Board, the WIOMSA Secretariat, Country Coordinators, the Programme Committee, Sida and key partners such as the Nairobi Convention. Consequently, the Programme Manager will ensure that these supporting partners are fully engaged in Programme 

Under the guidance of the Executive Secretary and in close collaboration with the Programme Committee, the Programme Manager will be responsible for the coordination, supervision, monitoring and implementation of all the activities related to the MASMA Programme. The Programme Manager shall ensure that the activities specified within the programme document are carried out in such a manner as to
achieve the programme objectives. In general, the roles and responsibilities of the Programme Manager will include, but are not limited to the following:

i) Work directly with the Executive Secretary to ensure that the MASMA Programme’s results and outputs are achieved
ii) Manage activities related to the MASMA Programme which include: preparing and issuance of calls for proposals; supervision of contracts and reporting, including review of progress reports of the approved projects; preparation of progress reports; and reviewing day-to-day operational matters as they arise
iii) Develop systems and processes necessary for the tracking, planning and execution of the programme
iv) Monitor programme implementation at all stages. This will include an analysis of implementation, difficulties or challenges experienced, initiating remedial actions, facilitation of the independent evaluation of the programme, and preparation of the end of the phase report
v) Convene meetings of the Programme Committee
vi) Prepare documentation for the Programme Committee meetings, including letters of intent, full proposals, progress reports of the approved projects, annual workplan, and other reports as requested by the Committee
vii) Act as, or designate a rapporteur for the Programme Committee meetings
viii) Organize the annual meetings of the MASMA Grantees
ix) Conduct specific tasks as approved under the Programme work plan, and support and collaborate with other agencies in executing tasks under the Programme as appropriate
x) Prepare, in consultation with the Executive Secretary, annual work and financial plans for the MASMA Programme, for the approval of the Programme Committee and Sida
xi) Maintain close communication with the Programme Committee, as the decision-making body of the MASMA Programme. Advise the Committee of any matters requiring its attention
xii) In consultation with the Executive Secretary and the Programme Committee, represent the MASMA Programme at the appropriate national, regional and international fora
xiii) In close collaboration with the Executive Secretary and the Programme Committee, identify additional sources of funding and other support
xiv) Liaise with the Finance Officer in the review/evaluation of the budget and financial reports submitted by the grant applicants and/or grantees
xv) Act as a first port of call for all MASMA Programme queries/grievances that may arise
xvi) Prepare TORs for consultancy contracts linked to the MASMA Programme, and monitor their execution
xvii) Carry out any other duties as assigned by the Executive Secretary.

Contractual Obligations
The position is funded on the basis of a fixed-term contract for 4 years (with a 3-month probation period).

Qualification Requirements
We seek a candidate with the following skills and qualifications:
▪ Holds a minimum of a Master’s degree preferably in environmental sciences or marine or atmospheric sciences. A PhD will be more desirable.
▪ Demonstrated experience in:
➢ Excellent written and oral communication skills
➢ Coordination of projects of different sizes and organization of scientific events
➢ Demonstrated ability to write for a specialized audience, and technical report writing
➢ Clear ability to take initiative on independent work, with a high degree of self-motivation
➢ Exceptional time management and organizational skills including the ability to plan, prioritize and coordinate multiple projects/deadlines; work well with deadlines
➢ Exceptional interpersonal skills and ability to accommodate to different work styles and personalities; enthusiasm for working as part of a team
▪ Excellent command of English (oral and written). Working knowledge of French will be an added advantage.

Application Procedure
Applicants are requested to submit a comprehensive CV with three contactable references, as well as a 1- page motivation as to how they see their role in this post. All applications will be treated in the strictest  confidence. Emails should be sent, with the subject title “MASMA Programme Manager”.

Closing date
Applications must be sent in no later than 22 September 2017.
Candidates who have not been contacted within 21 days of the closing date must please assume that their applications were not successful. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates.

Source: Daily News 06 September, 2017