Saturday, September 9, 2017

Characteristics of a Professionally Written Resume



The most important step to get into an interview is to prepare an attractive and well expressive resume.


Resume acts as a platform to reveal your basic skill sets and provide you with an opportunity to be called for an interview among your fellow competitors. So it should be well presented 1-2 page summary of your background and portraying your talents. Thereby, you will be effectively able to sell your skills for the purpose of employment.

Must follow points:

1.Crystal clear:

Resume should be crystal clear because the employer will screen through your resume just for 15 to 20 seconds! so it should create a great impact within that short period.

2.Specific points:

Every point in your resume must be specific rather than breading around the bush.

3.Action verbs:

The action verbs catch attention immediately and make your sentences clear.Use action verbs such as
>Adventurous: I take risks
>Ambitious: I am driven to succeed
>Approachable: I work well with others
>Charismatic:I can be a leader when need be
>Cheerful:I develop a positive work environment
>Confident:I am not afraid to ask questions
>Creative: I think outside the box
>Organized: I am a meticulous planner
>Punctual:I have great time management skills
>Responsible: I always finish my tasks on time
>Flexible:I am able to adapt my priorities
>Determined:I am self motivated
>Devoted: I am commited to the company's success

4:Bullet Points:

Use bullet points and make them crisp rather than writing in paragraphs.

5.Be Different:

Do not copy the same resume format of your friends untill it was an idea advised by a professional.

Sections in a Resume:


It should contain your identity and informations to contact you.


>It should be in the top left corner of your resume
>Can have your name, adress, phone number, email id and date of birth(optional)
>Write your name in bigger font than the other texts.


>Do not add resume as your heading.
>Do not give unnecessary family informations, marital status, etc.


To convey to your employer what your goal is. its should be aimed towards getting paricular posts in a specific industry.


>Your objective should include the position wanted, functional area and industry wanted.
>Be specific and crisp, restrict it to 15 words.
>Your objectives will be different for each role that you apply.


Do not write a generic or vague objectives.

3.Educational Qualification:

In this section you should tell abour your basic qualification and mention the marks that you scrored with accuracy.


>Educational qualification can be in a tabular column format.
>Write all educational qualification from 10th till present.
>Latest qualification should be on the top.
>Specify the name of the academic courses along with year of passing and marks.


This part of your resume should contain the projects you have worked with or the trainings you have attended.This reflects your potential as well as the initiative you have taken apart from your curriculum.


You can include the following:
For project/ training : Project name / Organization name, role, Description about the project, Time period, Results achieved.


Do not write generic statements.It does not give the employer a clear picture of the work you have done.


This section is concerned with how well you are equipped in terms of personality traits as well as occupational skills.
>Soft skills : To showcase your personality traits.
>Core/ Occupational skills: Optional.can mention if you posses any.
>IT Skills:Optional.Advisable to include this if you are applying for IT/ Software related roles.


>Write some 4 or 5 soft skills that describe you the best.
>Make specific points and add a point which supports your skills best.
>You can mention the responsibilities you have taken and what you have accomplished during that period.


The interest you showcase speaks out your character.These interests frequently come up as a topic of discussion during interview. So wisely choose them.
List interests which are meaningful and support them with a crisp point.


>Do not pick up and write random cluster of interest like Adventure, Guitar, Reading, Environment.
>Never include interest such as partying, watching movies, etc.They create a wrong impression.

Sample Resume:

Draft the resume once or twice and then make a fair copy.