Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Job Opportunity at Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania: Consultant

Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania

Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania invites trainers to submit innovative application letter (EOI), Curriculum Vitae, conceptual inception report showing how they intend to achieve the stated objectives, previous experience (signed stamped copies of contracts), proposed five days training program, and budget for undertaking the assignment. In 2020, Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture conducted a situational analysis to identify knowledge, skills, and technologies needed in the labor market to inform the review of six curricula of the ministry of agriculture (Agromechanization, Horticulture, Crop Production, Food Technologies, and Nutrition, Agricultural Land Use Planning and Management and Irrigation Engineering). Basic Mathematics in Agriculture is among the skills and knowledge that a graduate from ATIs should demonstrate in the labor market as indicated in the situational analysis results. To meet the labor market demand, the Basic Mathematics in Agriculture module was incorporated in all 7 curricula of the Ministry of Agriculture.


The following deliverables are expected from the facilitator/trainer.

  • Inception report indicating the detailed training methodologies, training contents, sources, five-day training program, and training materials will be discussed and approved by SAT team before training starts.
  • Carry out face-to-face training to trainees for 5 days
  • Comprehensive training report of the training assignment
  • Deliver notes which may be shared in soft or hard copy materials
  • An electronic copy of all training materials and contents including presentations, videos, and other resource-relevant materials basic mathematics in agriculture.
  • Technical advice on Basic Mathematics in Agriculture compendium development to SAT management and the task team.
  • Proof-reading of the draft compendium on Basic Mathematics in Agriculture once developed by the Task Team

Qualification and expertise:

  • At least a master’s degree in the relevant field in the areas of Mathematics based on areas shown in Sub-enabling Learning Outcomes and their related tasks
  • At least three years professional hands-on experience in training of trainers on similar areas of knowledge and skills regarding Basics Mathematics in Agriculture
  • Demonstrated experience and proven records in undertaking a similar assignment
  • Have experience in the field of facilitation of training and especially Basic mathematics in agriculture
  • Good administration and interpersonal skills
  • Evidence of having undertaken similar assignments, at least 3 references of clients
  • Experience in developing learning and training manuals (compendium)
  • Proficiency in adult-learning principles

Proposed Modality of Payment:

Upon signing the contract before the start of the assignment, the first installment of 50% of the agreed sum amount will be paid. and then 50% after finishing the entire assignment and handing over the reports for the assignment. For more information about the scope of assignment please find the Terms of Reference here

EOI Responses are to be submitted electronically to consultancy@kilimo.org  with the subject line email Entrepreneurship Training

The post Job Opportunity at Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania: Consultant appeared first on Ajira - Nafasi za kazi Tanzania 2019.

source https://ajira-nafasizakazitz.com/42295/