Tuesday, June 15, 2021

New Job Opportunity at Save the Children International Tanzania – Consultant

Save the Children International

Consultancy Service for Matching Burundian Curriculum with Digital Contents
Education is a crucial service in any country. Through education, a
country not only gets the required human resources in a variety of
economic and social sectors but also gets a literate and numerate
population which is relatively easier to govern and implement government
programmes. Quality in education learning outcomes remains as a problem
in education in Somaliland. In adequate basic academic skills of
teachers have contributed to the poor quality of education delivery. In
fact, lack of teacher quality compels many parents to send their
children to private school where they pay high fees. Quality requires
continuous professional development measures to improve the academic and
pedagogical skills of existing teachers, and to support the development
of teachers throughout their careers.

Teacher education is the heart of any education system. It is the
quality of teacher education that determines the quality of teacher
trainees and, consequently, the quality of the graduates of the
education system. Teachers determine the quality of appropriate
knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired by the students in any
education system. Indeed, it may be appropriate to surmise that an
education system is as good as is the quality of its teachers.

of the key determinants of an effective teaching force is the quality
of teacher education curriculum offered to the teacher trainees. A weak
teacher training education curriculum results in an ineffective teaching
force while the converse is true for an effective force. Pre- and
in-service training and on-going professional development are necessary
to improve the quality of the teachers. The current modes of teacher
training are not sufficient to guide the teachers towards a learner
centered pedagogy that puts front and center the cognitive, social,
emotional and physical needs of the learners. Therefore, opportunities
for improving the teacher training modes and/or accessing short-term
professional development courses will have to be explored in order to
increase the quality of and access to education services.

of the key education in emergency strategies to improve the quality of
basic education is to increase the number of qualified teachers in
primary schools. To address supply-side barriers related to the
proportion of qualified teachers at primary school, activities under
this strategy will focus on delivering teacher training based on
education in emergency minimum standards and the new Burundian
curriculum. The quality of teaching and learning in schools will be
further supported through regular school monitoring exercises that will
ensure adherence to teaching quality standards and provide ongoing
mentoring support to teachers through monitoring activities conducted at
school level.

The Project details.

The Kigoma Region
is a relatively poor and largely rural in Western Tanzania that borders
Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo. As the Burundi refugee crisis
reaches its 5th year Kigoma region is currently hosting around 280,000
registered (UNHCR, September 2020) refugees and asylum seekers (73% and
27% Congolese) with the majority seeking protection in three refugee
camps (Nduta, Nyarugusu and Mtendeli). 56% of Tanzania’s refugee
population are children (under 18). The gender split between children in
the camps is equal (UNHCR, July 2020).

Restrictions on
movements in the host communities under the encampment policy enforced
in 2018, along with the closure of markets and restrictions on income
generating activities (IGAs) declared in February 2019 across the three
camps have made it increasingly difficult for vulnerable refugees to
meet their basic needs with their self-reliance deteriorating (Inter
Agency Child Protection Assessment IACPA, 2020). Both policies have
severely hindered their ability to create sustainable livelihood
opportunities, further compounding poverty at the household level and
inducing negative coping mechanisms amongst communities such as early
marriage, child labour, increased levels of violence and sexual-violence
due to higher levels of psychosocial stress.



project will target 8 primary schools and 2 Ideas Box Centres in Nduta
and Nyarugusu refugee camps in the Kibondo and Kasulu Districts of
Kigoma region Tanzania. This project will reach over 65,000 vulnerable
refugees over two years. It will directly benefit over 32,645 Burundian
and Congolese refugee boys and girls who are both in school and out of
school (14,296 girls and 18,349 boys). The age range of these children
is 6-17 years. This programme will also reach over 292 adults (aged 18
and above). These adults include both teachers, Idea Box facilitators
and member of community based structures e.g. Parents and Teachers
Association (122 women and 170 men). It will also provide indirect
support to over 32,000 additional community members within the camps
including 16,000 adults (parents and family members) and 16,000 children
(family members).

The proposed project will tackle the above
challenges by enhancing attendance to safe and quality education through
scaling up existing interventions by Save the Children within existing
formal schools and IBCs across Nyarugusu and Nduta camps. Save the
Children with their technical and operational expertise, knowledge and
experience within the camps will collaborate with ProFuturo who will
provide digital resources such as computers, tablets and software, along
with bespoke teacher training to create a holistic programme that
empowers teachers, facilitates learning and enhances well-being for
children within this protracted refugee situation. This programme aims
to increase the life chances of vulnerable refugees and provide a safe
and successful future.

3. Aim and objectives of the consultancy
Overall objective

The overall aim of the consultancy is to match the digital contents with Burundian curriculum.
The specific objectives will be to:
 Review the Burundian curriculum to match a unified digital
contents that is in line with current Burundian curriculum for grades
 Produce digital contents curriculum with a rationalised
subject matter so that it is consistent with the requirements of the
Burundian curriculum.
 Produce the training curriculum with
courses’ details which are logically consistent and progressively
sequenced, and that there are no gaps or repetitions among subjects.

Arising from the above, the specific task required are detailed as:
Scope of work

• Carryout a desk review and to build an understanding of the
current training programme. This should include a review of the
in-service primary curriculum and the Diploma secondary pre-service in
order to identify specific relevant strengths and areas for
consideration in developing primary pre-service training curriculum.
• Review the key teacher training reports, curriculum documents,
syllabi, teacher education policy and other innovation learning
documents related to teachers.
• Lead and manage incentive
teachers’ subject experts who will work on the development of the
curriculum, and assign the writing tasks and deadlines using standard
evaluation tools, including agreeing the required outputs and formats.
• Collate the contributions into one draft document (Unified
curriculum) and together with subject specialist edit it for content,
thematic and stylistic consistency.
• Conduct a curriculum
validation workshop at which the draft unified pre-service curriculum
document is reviewed by the coordination team, consortium partners and
other education in emergency members.
• Revise the draft
curriculum document with subject specialists and to incorporate the
comments made at the validation workshop.

4. Proposed methodology of the matching exercise
• The consultant(s) should work closely with education coordinators and teachers
• He/she should work with other education stakeholders including the Education coordination members.
• Pre-test 1st draft of the developed curriculum contents

The methodology undertaken during the validation should be highly
participatory and to include group discussions and plenary sessions on
all issues identified and discussed.

5. Deliverables/outputs
The following outputs should be delivered
• A final approved digital content that align with Burundian
curriculum for grades 4-9 including the training modules/Manuals.

A technical report outlining activities undertaken during the
consultancy. It should also indicate emerging insights and the rationale
for choices made by consultants during execution of their tasks and
recommendations for the implementation and action plan of the revised
curriculum. Finally, it should detail the recommendations for the future
direction of the training programme.

7. Timeframe

The consultancy shall be executed within a maximum of 21 days”
commencing date on signed contract. The Proposal should include a
detailed schedule. The following should be used as a guide.
S/N Activity No. days
1 Documentary review 2
2 Preparing an initial report and materials for the activity 2
3 Committee review
4 Integrating feedback on the initial report 1
5 Running matching activities and validating according to approved methodology and implementation plan.
6 Consolidating field digital contents with Burundian Curriculum grade 4-9 2
7 Curriculum Map preparation, introduction and simple report. 2
8 Committee review (1 days) 1
9 Integration of feedback on the Curriculum Map, introduction and report. 3
Total number of days 21 days

8. Management and supervision of consultancy

The consultant will report to Save the children with day-to-day
supervision by Education coordinator and SCI Education Technical

Read Also:


9. Consultancy experience and experts’ qualifications
The Lead consultant should have the following qualifications and experience:
• A degree/Diploma in education, specializing in curriculum
development, teaching methodology, digital education or another
closely related area.
• At least five years of relevant
experience in Burundian curriculum and/or materials development for
teacher training programs.
• Experience as team-leader in review activities related to curriculum development.
• Demonstrable experience in developing and implementing digital
educational programs in the context of complex socio-cultural
• Ability to assess critically the review activities and results.
CV Writing and Download, Cover/Job Application Letters, Interview
Questions and It’s Best Answers plus Examples. Click Here!

We work with children, communities and governments all over the world
and we believe in the right person for the job regardless of where you
come from and how you identify yourself. We need to keep children safe
so our selection process reflects our commitment to ensuring that only
those who are suitable to work with children are considered for these
posts. All successful applicants will, therefore, be required to
complete a Police Check and must sign onto our Child Safeguarding Policy
and organizational Code of Conduct. SCI is an equal opportunity

Date advertised: 14 Jun 2021
Closing date: 20 Jun 2021 – 23:59 EAT
Location: Kigoma, Tanzania, United Republic of
Department: Programme, Development and Quality
Type: Contingent
Schedule: Part-time

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