Friday, April 16, 2021

New Job Vacancy United Nations (UN) at UNICEF Tanzania – Nutrition Specialist

in Tanzania 2021: New Job Opportunities United Nations at UNICEF, 2021
Nutrition Specialist, (NO-3)TA , (364 Days)Zanzibar,Tanzania#00115985
Job no:
Contract type: Temporary Appointment
Level: NO-3
Location: Tanzania,Uni.Re
Nutrition, NO-3
works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most
disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To
help them fulfill their potential.
Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.
For every child, a future
has achieved a notable progress in reduction of undernutrition,
particularly on childhood stunting. Tanzania Demographic and Health
Surveys (TDHS) and Tanzania National Nutrition Surveys (TNNS) show that
at the national level, the prevalence of stunting among children
under-five years was reduced from 42.0 per cent in 2010 to 31.8 per cent
in 2018.UNICEF is committed to support the Revolutionary Government of
Zanzibar on operationalization of the Zanzibar National Multisectoral
Nutrition Strategic Action Plan (ZNMNSAP 2021-225). Implementation of
the plan from 2021 and beyond will require close collaboration between
the food, health, social protection and WASH sectors in Zanzibar in
order to attain the ZNMNSAP targets.

The incumbent of the post
will be required to provide technical leadership in the implementation
of the nutrition program in Zanzibar. The Nutrition Specialist reports
to the Chief Zanzibar Field Office for managerial purposes and to the
Chief of Section, Nutrition for technical guidance and supervision. The
Nutrition Specialist is responsible for managing, implementing,
monitoring, evaluating and reporting of the country office’s program and
providing technical guidance and operational support throughout the
programming process to facilitate the achievement of concrete and
sustainable results according to plans, allocation, results
based-management approaches and methodology (RBM) and organizational
Strategic Plans and goals, standards of performance and accountability

How can you make a difference?
Main Duties and Responsibilities
Support to programme development and planning

  • Contribute to and support the preparation, design and updating of the
    situation analysis for the nutrition sector(s) to ensure comprehensive
    and current data on maternal, child and adolescent nutrition are
    available to guide policy development, and the design and management of
    nutrition programmes/projects.
  • Keep abreast of development trends to enhance programme management, efficiency and delivery.
  • Participate in strategic programme discussions on the planning, design and implementation of nutrition programmes/projects.
  • Formulate, design and prepare a sector of the nutrition programme
    proposal, ensuring alignment with UNICEF’s Strategic Plans, Country
    Programme, and coherence/integration with the UN Sustainable Development
    Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), regional strategies, as well as
    national priorities, plans and competencies.
  • Establish specific
    goals, objectives, strategies, and implementation plans for the
    nutrition sector(s) based on results-based planning terminology and
    methodology (RBM). Prepare required documentations for programme review
    and approval.
  • Work closely and collaboratively with colleagues
    and partners to discuss strategies and methodologies, and to determine
    national priorities/competencies to ensure the achievement of concrete
    and sustainable results.
  • Provide technical and operational
    support throughout all stages of programming processes to ensure
    convergence, integration, coherence and harmonisation of
    programmes/projects with other UNICEF sectors and achievement of results
    as planned and allocated
  • Support the institutionalizing of
    Community Based Health Program and the CHVs within government and
    community health structures. Although the CHVs have been formally
    recognized in a variety of policy and planning documents, because the
    focus on community health and CHVs is new, the Specialist will need to
    assess the gaps andneeds at various levels of government and work
    together with MOH and other partners to develop plans to embed and
    support CHVs within the health system.
  • Support the development
    of CBHP planning to ensure smooth roll out nationally. This includes
    assessing the needs and developing strategies to address key obstacles
    to successful CBHP, including training, deployment, supplies, service
    delivery issues, supervision, etc.
  • Ensure overall coordination
    in collaboration with MoH of all stakeholders supporting community work
    in Zanzibar. Assist the government and development partners to develop
    systems, tools, mechanisms and other methods to support the scale up of
    functional community level service delivery.


Programme management, monitoring and delivery of results

  • Support the development and preparation of nutrition programs and
    projects related to nutrition-specific interventions (e.g. Integrated
    Management of Acute Malnutrition, micronutrient supplementation, infant
    and young child feeding, adolescent and maternal nutrition, integration
    of nutrition within the health system strengthening, integration of
    nutrition supplies within governmental systems) in development and
    humanitarian contexts.
  • Be responsible for managing,
    implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting of progress of the
    nutrition programmes and projects within the country program.
  • Provide technical guidance and management support throughout the
    programming processes to facilitate the administration and achievement
    of concrete and sustainable results in maternal, infant and child
    nutrition programmes/projects according to plans, allocation, results
    based-management approaches and methodology (RBM) and UNICEF’s Strategic
    Plans, standards of performance and accountability framework.
  • Plan and/or collaborate with internal and external partners to establish
    monitoring benchmarks, performance indicators, and UNICEF/UN system
    indicators and measurements, to assess and strengthen performance
    accountability, coherence and delivery of concrete and sustainable
    results for the assigned sector (e.g. health) in nutrition programmes.
  • Participate in monitoring and evaluation exercises, programme reviews
    and annual reviews with government and other counterparts to assess
    progress and to determine required action and interventions to achieve
  • Prepare and assess monitoring and evaluation reports
    to identify gaps, strengths and/or weaknesses in programme management.
    Identify lessons learned and use knowledge gained for development
    planning and timely intervention to achieve goals.
  • Takes primary
    responsibility for the development of the nutrition component of the
    health sectoral work plan and technical decisions as well as for project
    monitoring and evaluation of assigned projects/programs and sectoral
    activities, with a focus on nutrition-specific interventions, in
    compliance with the defined project strategies and approaches, and with
    an emphasis on promoting a shared understanding and approach to reducing
    gender inequalities and achieving gender mainstreaming.
  • Actively monitors programmes and projects through field visits, surveys
    and/or exchange of information with partners and stakeholders to assess
    progress. Identify bottlenecks and potential problems and take timely
    decisions to resolve issues and/or refer to relevant officials for
    timely resolution.
  • Monitor and verify the optimum and
    appropriate use of sectoral programme resources (financial,
    administrative and other assets) confirming compliance with
    organisational rules, regulations, procedures, donor commitments, and
    standards of accountability. Ensure timely reporting and liquidation of
  • Ensure project, sectoral or inter-sectoral
    efficiency and delivery through a rigorous and transparent approach to
    evaluation. Participate in major evaluation exercises, programme reviews
    and annual sector review meetings with government counterparts,
    ensuring that quantitative and qualitative lessons learned in gender
    equality in nutrition are included as a standard feature. Ensure the
    preparation of annual Nutrition sector status reports.
  • Prepare
    regular and mandated programme/project reports for the Chief of Field
    Office and Chief Nutrition UNICEF management, donors and partners to
    keep them informed of programme progress.
  • Support the
    decentralisation of decision-making through strengthening community
    administrative structures at sub-national level, ensuring that the roll
    out of CHVs is equitable across the country and that poor, vulnerable
    and hard-to-reach populations have care in their communities.
  • Work
    with other sections in UNICEF to integrate key services into the
    community health platform, such as nutrition, WASH, child protection,
    HIV, etc., to ensure that mothers and children have access to lifesaving
  • Strengthen capacities of local governments, communities
    and other entities such as village health committees to promote
    community engagement and social accountability.
  • Establish or
    enhance civil society organisations and grassroots community involvement
    in health plan and budget, including service delivery, performance
    accountability and progress tracking.
  • Assess gaps in financial
    resources to support CBHP and work together with development partners,
    donors and others to identify and secure additional funding.

Technical and operational support to programme implementation

  • Provide
    technical guidance and operational support to government counterparts,
    NGO partners, UN system partners and other country office
    partners/donors on the interpretation, application and understanding of
    UNICEF policies, strategies, processes, best practices, and approaches
    on nutrition and related issues to support programme development
    planning, management, implementation, and delivery of results.
  • Assists government authorities in planning and organising training
    programs. Identifies training needs and objectives for the purpose of
    capacity building and program sustainability.
  • Participate in
    discussions with national partners, clients and stakeholders to promote
    nutrition and development issues especially in the areas of emergency
    preparedness and maternal, newborn and child survival and development.
  • Draft policy papers, briefs and other strategic programme materials for management use, information and/or consideration.
  • Participate
    in emergency preparedness initiatives for programme development,
    contingency planning and/or to respond to emergencies in country or
    where designated.

Networking and partnership building

  • Build and sustain effective close working partnerships with nutrition
    sector government counterparts (with special focus on Health Sector),
    national stakeholders and global partners/allies/donors/academia through
    active networking, advocacy and effective communication to build
    capacity and exchange knowledge/expertise to facilitate the achievement
    of program goals and social justice and equity for the rights of
    mothers, new-born and children.
  • Facilitate programme
    implementation and build capacity of stakeholders to achieve programme
    goals on maternal and child rights as well as social justice and equity.
  • Prepare
    communication and information materials for CO programme advocacy to
    promote awareness, establish partnership/alliances and support fund
    raising for nutrition programmes (maternal, newborn and child survival
    and development).
  • Participate and/or represent UNICEF in
    inter-agency discussions, ensuring that UNICEF’s position, interests and
    priorities are fully considered and integrated in the UNSDCF
    development planning and agenda setting.
  • While the vision of
    the CHV program was national-led by the Ministry of Health, UNICEF
    supported a widely consultative process in the Task Force to ensure it
    evolved and was adapted to both global evidence and standards and local
    needs. The Specialist will need to continue to work collaboratively to
    strengthen the program.
  • Public-private partnerships (PPP) are a
    key goal of the government’s CBHP program, and therefore the Specialist
    will need to assess local options for PPP and assist the government and
    other partners to adapt them for CBHP.

Innovation, knowledge management and capacity building

  • Apply
    and introduce innovative approaches and good practices to build the
    capacity of partners and stakeholders, and to support the implementation
    and delivery of concrete and sustainable programme results.
  • Keep
    abreast, research, benchmark, and implement best and cutting edge
    practices in nutrition management and information systems. Assess,
    institutionalize and share best practices and knowledge learned.
  • Contribute
    to the development and implementation of policies and procedures to
    ensure optimum efficiency and efficacy of sustainable programmes and
  • Organize and implement capacity building initiatives
    to enhance the competencies of clients and stakeholders to promote
    sustainable results on nutrition related programmes and projects.
Read Also:


To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

  • An advanced degree in Nutrition, Epidemiology and Public Health or related fields;
  • At least 5 years’ experience in nutrition epidemiology and/or Public Health Nutrition;
  • Prior experience of working in nutrition sector preferably in both, Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.
  • Demonstrated working knowledge of survey methods and survey implementation is essential.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to negotiate with programme counterparts.
  • Strong communication skills, including writing and public speaking
  • Strong planning, organisation and strategic thinking skills

CV Writing and Download, Cover/Job Application Letters, Interview
Questions and It’s Best Answers plus Examples. Click Here!

For every Child, you demonstrate…
values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA)
and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive
for Results.

The UNICEF competencies required for this post are
,Builds and maintains partnerships ,Demonstrates self-awareness and
ethical awareness,Innovates and embraces change,Drive to achieve results
for impact,Manages ambiguity and complexity,Thinks and acts
strategically,Works collaboratively with others
To view our competency framework, please visit here.
Click here to learn more about UNICEF’s values and competencies.

is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and
encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality,
religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with
disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organisation.

has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the
aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual
exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and
discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding
principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these
standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference
and background checks. Background checks will include the verification
of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates
may be required to provide additional information to conduct a
background check.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.
Advertised: 15 Apr 2021 E. Africa Standard Time
Deadline: 29 Apr 2021 E. Africa Standard Time

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