11 Teachers and Other Job Opportunities at Helasita Secondary School – NAFASI ZA KAZI

Helasita Secondary School was established under Company’s Act, Cap.16 of 2002 with mandate to provide education services. The school philosophy is to train students holistically by promoting such skills as; critical and independent thinking, creativity, innovation, communication, rational decision making, team work and adaptability to different environmental contexts just to mention a few.
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The focus being to produce responsible and autonomous citizens characterized by positive attitude economically, socially, spiritually, intellectually, culturally and morally. The School is looking for highly qualified, academic and professionally competent teachers and support staff to fill the following vacancies
Read full job advertisement in PDF file attached below:-
NOTE: Please don’t make any payments for job applications.
Deadline: 04th January, 2021.
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source http://ajira-nafasizakazitz.com/29950/