Monday, August 31, 2020

Top 10 Undeniable Signs You Should Quit Your Job

Deciding to quit your job can be very difficult, but when you observe some undeniable signs you should quit your job, you should do the right thing by quitting.

At some point in the life of any professional, there might be need to move on and look for another job. But discerning these signs you should quit your job can be a little bit tricky.

Want to quit your job but just can’t figure out the undeniable signs you should quit your job? In this article we got you covered. I will be highlighting the top 10 undeniable signs you should quit your job.

Sings You Should Quit Your Job

Below are undeniable signs you should quit your job.

#1: You are unhappy everyday doing the work

Are you always unhappy everyday you wake up from sleep and realize that you need to go to work? Do you feel bored, misunderstood, depressed I, or even thwarted? Or do you fantasize daily about doing something completely different? Then it is clear signs you should quit your job.

These feelings don’t just come up like that. It is a clear sign that you are burning out and not in a perfect condition to continue the job. Don’t deny yourself what you stand to benefit when you eventually make the move.  There is nothing more satisfying as a professional to be mentally connected to the job you are doing.

#2: You don’t enjoy the skills you use in your daily tasks

Most times, money gets the best out of most employees. It is known that employees try to do their best even when they are not enjoying it because of the money they are receiving.

The truth is that, you might be good at something, but deep down you know that you don’t enjoy doing that thing. For example, you might be good at filling and record keeping, but that does not mean that you enjoy using the skills for the work.

Once you keep experiencing this discomfort in the workplace, it is an undeniable signs you should quit your job.

#3: You are procrastinating more than you actually work

Everyone procrastinate at some point, but if you don’t find your work engaging, you may be procrastinating than you actually go to work.

Once you find yourself browsing social media when you take excuses from work, it simply means you don’t find your work interesting and engaging.

Whenever you keep procrastinating than you actually attend your work, it is time you should look into the work. It might be possible signs you should quit your job.

#4: It is seriously affecting your health

Are you getting sick more often than you ever had? Are you working many hours that you have no time for exercises, have good sleep, or eat good food? Do you often resort to glasses of wine each night to get over a bad day at work? It is obvious that you are draining yourself, and should possible consider leaving the job. No job is worth sacrificing your wellness.

‘#5: You strongly believe that you are meant for something bigger, better, and more rewarding

Once you keep having continuous thoughts on the better, bigger, and more rewarding things you stand to gain when you snap, it is definitely undeniable signs you should quit your job.

You might be thinking that this sounds boastful. But the fact still remains – success awaits no man. You are stagnant in the job, but you know deep down that you are meant for something better, just that you don’t want to accept it.

Besides, in the life of most professionals, especially successful ones, at some point they had to change career. Your case may be to change to another industry in the same career, or change to a completely different career. Whichever one it is, take your time to plan your career change before leaving your job.

#6: You are overqualified

There are sometimes when you have to take small jobs just to burn time instead of staying unemployed. But that does not mean that you should get stuck in such jobs.

Keep job hunting for position that perfectly suits your level of expertise so as to have a more fulfilling career.

#6: No room for possible advancement

As hard as it may be – don’t spend too much time on any company that does not provide room for your advancement.

Once you have committed your time and energy to your company for quite some time, and they don’t support the progress of your career, or want to grow with you, you should consider moving on since it is a clear signs you should quit your job.

#7: You feel like an outcast

If you know for sure that you don’t fit in with how your company operates, or don’t value her culture and what you’re doing, it is clear signs you should quit the job. Leaving your job is a very tough decision to make, but it is better you make the decision when you know for sure that you are not supposed to be part of the company.

As a professional, your well-being matters a lot, not moving on can jeopardize our career.

#8: You are heavily underpaid

Some individuals prefer to accept a lower pay in exchange for a unique opportunity or other benefits and allowances. But if you are heavily underpaid in your job, it is best you consider moving on. Being underpaid doesn’t speak well of you as a professional. It simply means that the company does not perceive your value and growth potential.

These are clear signs you should quit your job, but when you refuse to move on, it will lead to more frustration as time goes on.

#9: Nothing you do is ever enough

Even when you are the first to join the company, or even the last one, you are constantly completing your tasks, and even doing weigh better than your colleagues, sometimes you may get stuck with a boss that expects more from you.

If you boss continues to push for more no matter the efforts you put in, there is certainly no end to that, and it is undeniable signs you should quit your job and go to a place where you can be appreciated at what you do.

#10: There are substantially better opportunities available at another organization

As a worker, you main aim should be to maintain a strong work ethics in any organization you are in. But whenever you get better opportunities available at another organization that is related to the current job you are doing whereby you can be able to also maintain strong work ethics, then you should consider quitting to pursue them.

These opportunities can be higher salaries, professional fulfillment, career advancement, and broader professional network.

Even if it is a completely different organization not in the same industry as your current job, once you feel you can be able to cope with the job, you can also consider moving on too.


Quitting your job can be a tough decision to make. But when you experience the above mention signs you should quit your job, it is certain that you have to move on.

Before quitting, I will advise you find a job first, except you are under an extremely high pressure that you cannot bear any longer.

That’s it on my guide on top 10 signs you should quit your job.

I’d love to hear from you

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Which of the mention signs you should quit your job you cannot bear long?

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