Monday, August 31, 2020

How to Succeed In a New Job (7 Proven Steps)

Are you a new hire? Knowing how to succeed in a new job can help you excel in your current job as a new hire.

At first, you may be overwhelmed by the tasks you are taking and every other activities you involve yourself in the workplace. Your fate as to how long you plan staying with the company might not be stable. But when you know the proven steps to take on how to succeed in a new job, you will be very sure of excelling in the workplace.

Want to learn how to succeed in a new job? We got you covered. In this guide I will be sharing you the proven steps to take on how to succeed in a new job as a new hire.

How to Succeed in a New Job

Below are the proven steps to take to excel in your new job.

#1: Be friendly

When it comes to how to succeed in a new job, the first step to take that will make your overall experience in the workplace great is by being friendly.

We all know that the best way we can freely communicate with anyone in the workplace is when we have a mutual relationship with the person. How do you think you can create the atmosphere for mutual relationships with your coworkers when you are just a new employee? Make an outstanding first impression on your colleague by preparing conversational and informal questions that will help you stay connected with them on a personal level. This will create a mutual relationship with them.

Being free and friendly with your coworkers will help you with your stay in the office, since they will be happy to provide you with all the assistants you may need to excel in the job.

#2: Be a good listener

Being successful as a new comer in the workplace doesn’t have to be based on your performances alone, it goes beyond that. This is why forming the habit of being an active listener is one of the steps you can take on how to succeed in a new job.

Once you can properly listen to your teammates, boss, managers, supervisors it will be easier for you to reduce errors when working, since you will be fully aware of the instructions given to you.

Listening is a good way to increase your work performances and reduce misunderstandings. It is a must have interpersonal skills if you want to excel in your new job.

#3: Create good time management skills

When starting a new job, if not well prepared, you may get overwhelmed easily with the tasks you will be handling. Creating good time management skills, which is one of the steps to take on how to succeed in a new job, can help you overcome being exhausted quickly as a new hire in the workplace.

First, you need to set priorities on the tasks you will be handling. Every task should have its degree of importance. Once you are able to set priorities based on the level of importance, you will be working effectively and also productively.  But if you are unable to set the priorities, you can meet your supervisor, or team leader to help you set them.

Also, in as much as you want to be good with everyone in the workplace., there are some times you may need to say “no” to some of their requests for help when you know you have a lot to accomplish on your to-do list and not certain if you will be able to accomplish it.

#4: Avoid early demands

Don’t be tempted to fall into the trap of making demands too early as a new hire. New hires on their first week or second, tend to demand how they want their schedule handled and also how they handle their work.

Making early demands is not the appropriate thing to do as  a new hire. No matter how your schedules are, try to be outstanding in your work performances. Trust is earned. Once you have proved to be trust worthy, you can make demands on how you want to handle your schedules and work.

#5: Ask a lot of questions

Asking questions as a new hire is a vital steps to take on how to succeed in a new job. As a new hire, no one expects you to know everything; the knowledge about your role and also about the work environment can be overwhelming since you are just starting out. The only way you can gain clarity on these things is to ask lots of questions.

At the same time, when asking questions try as much as you can to be pay close attention to the response you will be getting to the questions in order to avoid asking same questions over and over.

And as a new hire, there are some basic knowledge you need to have regarding your role and the company. You should do some research about your role and the company so as not to be regarded as someone who is not supposed to get the job, a bad hire.

#6: Be a team player

If you are working with a team, then this step on how to succeed in a new job will help you out in the team

 As a fresh hire in the workplace, you will be joining a team that has been working or currently working on a project. Your aim is to be a good team player by volunteering to help out even with tasks not assigned to you.

When you know they are not doing the right thing, you should politely talk to the members of the team about the mistakes they are making without sounding like someone who is boasting.

Also, avoid being competitive or catty. It will ruin your chances of building a strong relationship with your teammates.

#7: Get a mentor

The final step to take that wraps up this guide on how to succeed in a new job is by getting a mentor.

Getting a mentor can be hard at the beginning, especially when you are new at the workplace. But when you follow the above steps on how to succeed in a new job, you will be able to figure out someone who you can confide in for guidance.  It is always a good idea to find someone who you can go to when you need career advice.  Someone who can motivate, inspire, and provide you with strategic directions that will lead you to the path of success.


As a new hire, you may not be able to tell how you are likely to excel in the workplace. But with the above proven steps on how to succeed in a new job, you stand a chance to excel in the workplace.  Follow the above mentioned proven steps on how to succeed in a new job religiously and you will be an understanding new hire.

That’s it on my guide on how to succeed in a new job

I’d love to hear from you

Hope you found the guide helpful

Are you a new hire? Which steps will you take immediately?

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The post How to Succeed In a New Job (7 Proven Steps) appeared first on Ajira - Nafasi za kazi Tanzania 2019.
