Environmental Advocacy New INTERNSHIP Opportunities in Africa – Tanzania, 2020
Environmental Advocacy Internship in Africa
Start Date October 5, 2020
End Date May 31, 2021
Application Deadline August 31, 2020
Wage We pay USD 100 per month being 2x Tanzania national minimum wage
Hours Per Week 32h+ per week
in Tanzania is introducing and implementing environmentally-friendly
solutions for Tanzanian communities. These solutions include the use of
dry toilets, composting and household water reuse, and solar water
purification systems. We also emphasize sustainable tourism operations.
communities lack the economic strength needed to implement
environmentally friendly solutions in their households. Presently less
than 50% of the households have a toilet. Interns are developing
sustainable and affordable solutions including dry toilets for
households and schools. This program includes an introduction to
solar-based water purification as well.
Other green work includes
developing compost, finding sustainable sources for providing heat for
cooking, developing tree and bamboo nurseries as well as educating the
neighborhood, and doing advocacy work. Wildlife safaris and other
tourism operations are an important local source of funding. The safaris
also help us in our work towards sustainability. We are developing an
NGO business model to streamline revenue back into communities.
You can also get experience in an African tree nursery and help in planting operations.
working hours are 6-8 hours per day from Monday to Friday. Paid
internships include a local minimum wage of USD 100 per month. We also
offer stipends depending on the terms of the internship and regulations
of your home university.
We use our social media pages for advocacy work and our Facebook pages have more than 50K followers.
Read Also:
internship is being daily supervised by academic level team leaders. We
monitor your work with a weekly plan and report system to secure you
proceed well in your study program.
The internship outcome is to
learn to use and to get experience to implement your education in
developing country conditions with limited capacitation. Also to better
understand the opportunities in a fast-growing economy.
Interns work
in teams of international students and volunteer professionals. We
encourage innovation in the program approach. Work hours are 6-8 hours
per day, Monday through Friday.
This is an ongoing program so we can
adjust your start dates. We accept applications of all students and
alumni. Your placement is tailored according to your background,
experience, and interests to empower our daily work with the
communities. Your program can be from 2 weeks up to 12 months. You can
also conduct thesis and related tasks. The common daily tasks include
practical fieldwork, planning, reporting, and visibility tasks.
We provide 2x the local minimum wage of USD 100 per month for paid internships payable when you stay a minimum of 4 weeks.
start and end dates are flexible and can also accommodate other travel
arrangements in Tanzania. International flights, student permits,
accommodation, and meals are personal costs.
You and your visiting friends can enjoy sustainable tourism, safaris, and local tour options at a low cost.
To book you in and to open your personal account, we need your tentative arrival and departure dates that can be adjusted.
Participant reference: https://youtu.be/wsd846-tkQE
Contact us for more details at [email protected] or SKYPE with us at infoartintanzania. You can always send a quick note to our Whatsapp +255767777773.
Web: www.artintanzania.org
Application: http://www.artintanzania.org/en/about/jobs/application-interns
Terms: http://www.artintanzania.org/en/about/jobs
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/artintanzania
Blog: http://www.volunteer-africa-blog.org
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/artintanzania
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/art-in-tanzania
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/artintanzania
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artintanzania/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/artintanzania
Details at a glance
- Remote Possible
- Academic Credits
- Paid
program has multi-professional aspects so we tailor the tasks according
to the skill level of the participant. Research oriented approaches
also welcome to develop the community level issues and skills of the
Tanzanian people in common. Disabled students are welcome.
How to Apply
[email protected]
Please fill in the application form at http://www.artintanzania.org/en/about/jobs/job-application
email to i[email protected]
Please include Cover Letter, Resume/CV and unofficial study transcript.
You can also SKYPE at infoartintanzania
Umoja Rd, Block 2Q, Madale village, Dar es Salaam 00770, TZ
The post Environmental Advocacy New INTERNSHIP Opportunities in Africa – Tanzania, 2020 appeared first on Ajira - Nafasi za kazi Tanzania 2019.
source http://ajira-nafasizakazitz.com/21828/