Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Enumerators at Good Neighbors

Enumerators at Good Neighbors

Good Neighbors

Good Neighbors is an international humanitarian development NGO founded in Korea in 1991. It was granted General Consultative Status from the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC). The aim is to make the world a place without hunger, where people live together in harmony. In Tanzania it was officially established on 2005 and our efforts work towards creating environment where children’s rights are protected and sustainable development of communities through empowerment, leadership and ownership

Reports to: Monitoring and evaluation Officer

Location:  Dar es Salaam

Contract Duration: 10 days (August 2020)

Our office is working on implementing pineapple project through IGA in Pwani region. Therefore enumerators will be responsible for collecting data from the pineapple farmers, conducting data verification in the FI form system, submit completed forms to the supervisor as well as  discuss developments and thereafter conduct data entry in the system.

Duties and Responsibilities

Qualification, experiences and competencies

• All applications should be sent with enclosed cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Division P.O. Box 33104 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania), detailed curriculum vitae containing complete names and addresses (postal, email, phone), together with names and contact details of three referees to: E-mail: hr.headoffice@goodneighbors.or.tz

• All applicants should provide current contact information of all referees.

• Deadline for application is not later than 9th Aug, 2020.

• Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted through their active mobile numbers and emails.

• Good Neighbors Tanzania will not be responsible for transport or/and accommodation during the interview, there will be no refund for the expenses incurred.

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The post Enumerators at Good Neighbors appeared first on Ajira - Nafasi za kazi Tanzania 2019.

source http://ajira-nafasizakazitz.com/20906/