Friday, March 27, 2020

Evaluation of Community Based Health Programme at Tanzania Health Center

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Tanzania Health Center

THET is inviting expressions of interest from individual consultants or a team of consultants to carry out the evaluation of the Comic Relief funded Community Health Worker Training Project being implemented in the Lake Zone of Tanzania by the Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) with the Benjamin Mkapa Foundation (BMF). Consultant selection will be based on the following criteria:

Sectoral understanding

  • Excellent track record in the field of health/health partnership evaluation, including knowledge of the geographic and institutional context
  • Strong understand of LMIC context, and Tanzania in particular

Evaluation expertise

  • A clear, credible and structured proposed methodology
  • Familiarity with relevant evaluation methodologies
  • Excellent ability to communicate in and write concise, readable and analytical reports in English
  • Availability during the required period
  • Be able and willing to engage/collaborate

Expressions of Interest should include:

  • A one-page statement of capability introducing the evaluator(s) and organization, if relevant, and how the skills and competencies described above are met.
  • A maximum four-page outline of the proposed evaluation process including:

o The consultant’s understanding of the assignment with initial comments to the terms of reference;

o An outline of the proposed evaluation methodology;

o Management arrangements: if a team if proposed, details should be provided on the specific role and contribution of each consultant.

o A current CV for each consultant, preferably in short form.

o An outline work plan with budget showing the major costs of the evaluation.

o Confirmation of availability to complete the evaluation between April and May 2020.

  • Any potential conflict of interest should be mentioned and show how it will be overcome.

Deadline for submission of expressions of interest: 5th April 2020.

How to Apply

Deadline for submission of expressions of interest: 5th April 2020.

Please submit your expression of interest to and to Linnet Griffith-Jones ( Also direct all questions related to the terms of reference to Linnet.

The post Evaluation of Community Based Health Programme at Tanzania Health Center appeared first on Ajira - Nafasi za kazi Tanzania 2019.
