Monday, January 22, 2018

Jobs at UNICEF Immunization Systems Strengthening Specialist and Development of multi-sectoral C4D strategy

Immunization Systems Strengthening Specialist,NOC, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania(Temporary Appointment) 364 days
Job no: 510333
Work type: Temporary Appointment
Location: Tanzania,United Republic
Categories: Health, NO-3, Expanded Programme Immunization
If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.

For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children's survival, protection and development. The world's largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.

Purpose of the Assignment


Tanzania is one of the few countries in Eastern and Southern Africa sub-region which has maintained immunization coverage above 90% for the past 10 years. This achievement has partly been attributed to a strong partnership that exists between the government and partners including UNICEF, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) and WHO. Since the beginning of the immunization program in Tanzania, UNICEF has been providing technical and financial support especially in the areas of vaccines procurement and logistics, cold chain, immunization service delivery, communication and social mobilization.

In recent years, GAVI has become the major funder of Immunization and Vaccines Development (IVD) Program. GAVI is an international coalition of partners which includes national governments, international organizations such as UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank; philanthropic institutions, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Children's Vaccine Program and the Rockefeller Foundation; the private sector, represented by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA); research and public health institutions.

Since 2002 the country has been receiving support from GAVI to strengthen immunization service delivery. Specifically the country has received support for new vaccine introduction, injection safety and health system strengthening. As of 2016, GAVI had given Tanzania grants amounting to about US$ 258,493,880.

 In June 2017, a GAVI team visited UNICEF Tanzania Country Office to discuss the possibility of UNICEF to manage GAVI Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) grant on behalf of the Government of Tanzania following issues that came out from audit (Unsatisfactory vaccine and Financial Management, expenditure control, procurement and unsatisfactory fixed asset management ) which compelled GAVI to suspend sending HSS grant directly to the Government for an interim period while helping them to strengthen their systems. GAVI wants UNICEF to manage the remaining balance of the grant which amounts to about USD 8 million. UNICEF agreed to the request with agreement that part of the grant will be used to recruit two additional staff members in order to strengthen internal capacity. This TOR therefore is for a TA recruitment for a systems strengthening specialist which is one of the posts mentioned above.


For years UNICEF has been a dependable partner providing technical support to Ministry of Health’s Immunization and Vaccines Development (IVD) Program particularly in the areas of vaccines procurement and logistics, cold chain maintenance and expansion, advocacy, communication and social mobilization and immunization service delivery. Requirement for UNICEF support in 2017/18 is expected to increase due to the following reasons:

GAVI has requested UNICEF to manage the HSS grant following issues that came out from audit which compelled GAVI to suspend sending HSS grant direct to the Government for an interim period while helping them to strengthen their systems. This will require close monitoring of activities implementation and financial accountability including timely liquidation of disbursed funds
The government of Tanzania with support from UNICEF and other partners successfully applied to GAVI for Cold Chain Expansion Optimization Platform (CCEOP) grant. About 80% of this grant will be used for procurement of cold chain equipment through UNICEF Supply Division. An important part of this service is to conduct end user monitoring which will ensure that the supplied procured reach and benefit the intended beneficiaries.
Since 2014 the government received support from GAVI to introduce Inactivated Polio Virus (IPV) vaccine. However, due to the global shortage of the vaccine introduction has been delayed and it has now been confirmed that vaccines will be available towards the end of 2017 and the country will be able to introduce IPV in the first quarter of 2018. Constant UNICEF support will be required during the preparations especially in ensuring timely delivery and distribution of the vaccine and capacity building to immunization managers and service providers.
Tanzania is also due for Measles and Rubella campaign for under five children in the second half of 2018. Technical support will be required in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the campaign in order to ensure good coverage.
Currently UNICEF has only one immunization specialist who is responsible for all technical and program support. In order to effectively provide quality support and ensure efficient implementation of the planned activities, UNICEF need to strengthen its internal capacity by recruiting one additional staff to support immunization program.


In light of the above background, UNICEF, with funding support from GAVI would like to recruit a full time Immunization systems strengthening specialist to provide technical and immunization logistics support to ensure effective and efficient implementation of activities under GAVI HSS grant which will be managed by UNICEF from October 2017 to December 2018, as well as support the existing immunization specialist in providing technical support.

Specific Tasks

The immunization systems strengthening specialist will support the available immunization specialist in providing technical oversight to immunization program with the following specific tasks:

Participate in all immunization technical working group meetings and in absence of Immunization Specialist provide feedback to the team
Regularly meet with IVD program team to plan for GAVI HSS  intervention and come up with monitoring schedule
Participate in the discussions to develop Annual Work plan (AWP) with National and sub-national partners and ensure immunization health systems strengthening is properly addressed and agree on the monitoring and evaluation frameworks
Regularly participate in implementation of GAVI HSS supported activities to ensure value for money and financial accountability
Conduct end user monitoring for GAVI HSS supplies procured by UNICEF and prepare reports
Participate in preparations for the GAVI Joint Appraisal and provide technical development and incorporation of Targeted Country Assistance (TCA) plans to the JA document
Expected Deliverables

Expected outcome:

Ensure that GAVI HSS grant is managed based on HACT principles and that there is increased visibility of UNICEF role in supporting immunization program; and technical assistance provided is appreciated by GAVI and all partners.

Specific deliverables:

In collaboration with IVD develop a roadmap for the implementation of HSS grant activities and share with all partners involved
Funding requests from the government are received and processed on a timely manner and fund disbursement to respective regions/zones is done and notification sent
Meetings with IVD technical working group are documented and reports are shared with supervisor and other members of the team.
Travel plan for HSS activities implementation and end user monitoring developed and adhered to
Timely submission of GAVI HSS monitoring report and liquidation documents from partners received on time
Participate in the discussions related to CCEOP implementation and provide technical assistance in management of the supply chain and end user monitoring
 Plan to  address immunization system bottlenecks is developed and is part of the  overall IPV introduction and MR campaign plans

Core values
Diversity and inclusion
Core competencies
Communication (II)
Working with people (II)
Drive for results (II)
Functional Competencies
Leading and supervising (I)
Formulating strategies and concepts (II)
Analyzing (III)
Relating and networking (II)
Deciding and initiating action (II)
Applying technical expertise (III)

The incumbent will receive monthly payments based on the accomplishment of aforementioned mentioned deliverables. He/She will also discuss and sign specific Performance Evaluation Review (PER) with his supervisor. The incumbent will also report on the progress of the GAVI HSS implementation and lead preparation and submission of narrative reports to the Government who will in turn upload the report in the portal.

Desired Qualifications

Qualification and Experience:
University degree with  health background (MD, nursing or other relevant health discipline) plus a master’s, MSc, PhD in public health or related field
A minimum of 5-10 years of progressively responsible experience in managing immunization  or other MNCH programs
Proven expertise in managing, monitoring and evaluation of health programs is an added advantage
Proven working relations with National, district & sub-district structures

Strong analytical skills
Knowledge of the Tanzanian mainland and Zanzibar context and EPI program
Excellent facilitation skills, negotiation skills and oral and written communication skills;
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.

Advertised: 15 Jan 2018 E. Africa Standard Time
Applications close: 04 Feb 2018 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time


Development of multi-sectoral C4D strategy

Job no: 510095
Work type: Consultancy
Location: Tanzania,United Republic
Categories: Communication for Development (C4D), Education, Gender Equality, Early Childhood Development, Expanded Programme Immunization, Consultancy
If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.

For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children's survival, protection and development. The world's largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.

Communication for Development (C4D) and related community engagement strategies are central to achieving each of the five goals of UNICEF’s new Strategic Plan (SP) 2018 -2022. C4D is a cross-cutting, evidence-based and participatory process to promote measurable behaviour and social change that is integral to development programmes and humanitarian work. C4D’s primary purpose in supporting achievement of SP results and outcomes fall into four broad areas: positive behaviour and social change; engagement and empowerment of children and communities; effective communication and community engagement in humanitarian action and creation of an enabling environment for social and behaviour change. (C4D in the new SP, draft, 2016)

C4D is articulated as one of the key cross-cutting strategies in UNICEF Tanzania Country Programme (2016-2021). Majority of the Country Programme outcomes are dependent on behavior and social change interventions to support shifting of social norms, adoption of key practices, and increasing social accountably and uptake of quality services. In order achieve these results, programme specific communication/promotion strategies and plans have been in place in Health, Nutrition, WASH, Child Protection, Education and HIV/AIDS. However, a clear guidance has not been in place for ensuring cross-sectoral linkages and complementarity of interventions. Moreover, key C4D platforms and high impact approaches that are strategic to achieve multiplier results for ECD and Adolescence have not been adequately prioritized and defined based on in-depth bottleneck analysis.

Given TCO’s focus on ECD and Adolescence results, there is a need to clearly define a set of behavioral priorities and develop evidence-based multi-sectoral C4D strategy for implementing measurable C4D actions at family/household, community and school levels.   At family and community level, parenting and family care education, with a lifecycle approach   has been identified as a major cross-cutting strategy with in the Country Programme. Interventions engaging parents and caregivers in the past three years has mainly focused on promotion of positive parenting, nutrition counselling and early stimulation. An integrated ECD package has recently been developed with multi-sectoral content. The national parenting and family care strategy that will be finalized by mid-2018, will guide the implementation of integrated parenting strategy. The proposed multi-sectoral C4D strategy is expected to provide guidance on operationalizing such synergetic approaches/strategies and high impact interventions at community and school levels. The consultant will lead review and consultation internally and with key stakeholders, conduct social norms/behavioral bottleneck analysis, refine proposed behavioral priorities, lead development of integrated results framework contributing to UNICEF Tanzania’s ECD and Adolescence outcomes and develop M&E framework and capacity development plan.

Objectives of the consultancy
The objective of this consultancy is to undertake g round work towards a cross-sectoral strategy contributing to ECD and Adolescence results including;

Leading social norms/behavioral bottleneck analysis
Developing integrated results framework based on the existing sectoral C4D results and agreed set of behavioral priorities
Develop cross-sectoral C4D strategy, M&E framework and capacity development plan

Specific Tasks
Review relevant documents including; UNICEF Tanzania Country Programme Document (2016-2021), Country Programme results framework, TCO C4D documents including C4D strategy of previous country programme, Section/programme strategy notes, ECD and adolescence strategies, parenting and family care strategic framework and relevant national sectoral C4D strategies /plans.
Develop summary C4D evidence and data that exist to inform the situation analysis for C4D and identify gap in behavioral data. Analyze the context of existing and potential communication and community engagement platforms relevant to proposed C4D strategies.
Review the HQ draft C4D Theory of Change (TOC) developed for the new Strategic Plan 2018-2022, UNICEF Tanzania’s TOCs developed for sectoral programmes as well as ECD and Adolescence to inform the development of the integrated results framework.
Review standard C4D indicators related to each of the sector programmes as well as cross-cutting C4D indicators and propose relevant set of indicators for the integrated results framework.
Lead consultation workshop with UNICEF Tanzania programme sections, field offices, and key partners to conduct social norms /behavioral bottleneck/SWOT analysis, refine behavioral priorities contributing to multiplier results in ECD and Adolescence and draft integrated results framework.
Develop message content base for agreed behavioral priorities/key practices and participants groups
Define high impact interventions to be focused during the current Tanzania UNICEF Country Programme period, and provide clear guidance on how the C4D function will support the cross sectoral linkages.
Develop M&E framework and capacity building plan


Under the leadership of Deputy Representative and the C4D Specialist, the consultant will work closely with Chief of sections and the C4D team to; 

Review relevant documents
conduct consultation with  sections and field offices and undertake bottle neck analysis
Ensure consistency and alignment of the strategy development process with the UNICEF”s Global C4D benchmarks and quality assurance checklist

Expected Deliverables



Introductory meeting with Dep Rep and C4D team and document review

Inception report with; methodology of strategy development process, summary of document review, timetable, tools for consultation and bottleneck analysis, content outline for strategy

February28, 2018

Consultation workshop with respective UNICEF team Section Chiefs, and ECD and Adolescence Task Forces, Field Offices and key government counterparts, and development of results framework

Summary findings from consultation, social norms/behavioural bottle neck analysis, draft results framework

 March 28, 2018

Finalize strategy document

Multi-sectoral C4D Strategy presented and finalized with M&E framework, capacity building plan and operational guidance for cross-sectoral linkages

April 18,2018

Under the supervision of the Deputy Representative, supported by C4D Specialist, the consultant will work closely with TCO C4D team.

Expected background and Experience

The selected candidate should possess the following background and experience:
Advanced degree (at least a Master degree) in Behavioural, Social Sciences including Development Communication, Sociology, Anthropology , International Development and related field
At least 10 years of experience in the field of C4D with experience in international context
Proven track of experience in C4D planning and analysis and development of strategies and guidelines
Experience in UNICEF planning processes including bottleneck analysis, capacity needs assessment and Results Based Management
Strong facilitation skills, experience leading consultations and capacity development processes with a variety of stakeholders
Excellent analytical, conceptual and writing skills
Excellent written and spoken English
Should be able to travel to TCO Field  Offices as needed

General Conditions: Procedures and Logistics
The selected candidate will sign an SSA for International Consultant. The consultant will work in the premises of UNICEF and remotely as agreed during inception meeting. The consultant will be entitled to DSA according to UNICEF rules. The consultant shall have his/her own computer.

Payments to the consultants will be made after the satisfactory completion of each deliverable as described below:



Expected date

Payment schedule


Inception report with; methodology of strategy development process, summary of document review, timetable, tools for consultation and bottleneck analysis, content outline for strategy

February28, 2018



Summary finding and matrix from consultation, social norms/behavioural bottle neck analysis, draft results framework

 March 28, 2018



Draft strategy submitted per agreed content outline, and include M&E framework, capacity building plan and operational guidance for cross-sectoral linkages
Present draft strategy and finalize based on inputs from team review and presentation
April 18,2018


Policy both parties should be aware of:

Under the consultancy agreements, a month is defined as 21 working days, and fees are prorated accordingly.  Consultants are not paid for weekends or public holidays.
Consultants are not entitled to payment of overtime.  All remuneration must be within the contract agreement.
No contract may commence unless the contract is signed by both UNICEF and the consultant or Contractor.
For international consultants outside the duty station, signed contracts must be sent by fax or email.  Signed contract copy or written agreement must be received by the office before Travel Authorisation is issued.
No consultant may travel without a signed travel authorisation prior to the commencement of the journey to the duty station.
Unless authorised, UNICEF will buy the tickets of the consultant.  In exceptional cases, the consultant may be authorised to buy their travel tickets and shall be reimbursed at the “most economical and direct route” but this must be agreed to beforehand.
Consultants will not have supervisory responsibilities or authority on UNICEF budget.
Consultant will be required to sign the Health statement for consultants/Individual contractor prior to taking up the assignment, and to document that they have appropriate health insurance, including Medical Evacuation.
The Form 'Designation, change or revocation of beneficiary' must be completed by the consultant upon arrival, at the HR Section.

**** Please note that all entitlements are set as per UNICEF rates, rules and regulations.
Advertised: 12 Jan 2018 E. Africa Standard Time
Applications close: 31 Jan 2018 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time