Wednesday, October 11, 2017

RUCU: Admission Letters to Join Various Programmes | Ruaha Catholic University.2018/19

Admission Forms
Dear Applicant, please find the attached admission forms for various courses at Ruaha Catholic University.

Please note that you should first confirm that your name is in THE SELECTED LIST before you start to download Admission Forms. These admission forms have been put here for the purpose of helping the selected applicants to know what is needed before he/she joins the programme s/he has been selected.

Admission Letters for Degree Programmes
  1. Bachelor of Arts with Education (BAED)
  1. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
  1. Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
  1. Bachelor of Accounting and Finance with Information Technology (BAFIT)
  1. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Software Engineering (BSCSE)
  1. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Information System(BSCIS)
  1. Bachelor of Science with Education (IT and Mathematics)(BSCEDIM)
Admission Letters for Diploma & Certificate Programmes

  1. Certificate in Medical Laboratory Sciences (CMLS)
  1. Certificate in Pharmaceutical Sciences (CPS)
  1. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences (DMLS)
  1. Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences (DPS)
  1. Diploma in Computer Science (DCS)
  1. Certificate in Law (CLW)
  1. Certificate in Business Administration (CBA)
  1. Certificate in Library (CLIS)
  1. Diploma in Law (DLW)
  1. Diploma in Business Administration (DBA)
  1. Certificate in Computer Science (CCS)