Zanzibar University invites job applications for the posts of Senior Lecturers, Lecturers
Assistant Lecturers and Tutorial Assistants as follows:
1. Faculty of Law and Shariah:
Three Holders of at least Master’s Degree in Law
2. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Department of Economics:
i) One PhD holder in Economics
ii) One Tutorial Assistant in Economics
iii) One PhD holder in Islamic Banking
iv) One Tutorial Assistant in Islamic Banking
Department of Public Administration:
i) One PhD holder in Human Resource
ii) One PhD holder in International Relations
iii) One Holder of at least Master’s Degree in French
Department of Languages:
i) PhD holder in Arabic as Native Language
ii) Holder of at least Master’s Degree in English
iii) Tutorial Assistant for Arabic Language
iv) Tutorial Assistant for English Language
Department of Social Work:
i) One Holder of at least Master’s Degree in Social work
ii) One Tutorial Assistant
Department of Information Sciences
i) Two Holders of at least Master’s degree in Library Management
ii) Two Holders of at least Master’s degree in Mass Communication
3. Faculty of Engineering:
i) One holder of at least Master degree in Computer Engineering
ii) One holder of at least Master degree in Telecommunication
iii) Tutorial Assistant for TelecommunicationPage 2 of 3
iv) One laboratory Assistant for Telecommunication
4. Faculty of Health and Allied Sciences:
i) One holder of at least Master degree in Midwifery
ii) One holder of at least Master degree in Pediatric
iii) One holder of at least Master degree in Critical Care
5. Faculty of Science
i) One Tutorial Assistant for Geography
6. Faculty of Business Administration
i) One holder of at least Master degree in BBIT
ii) Two Tutorial Assistants for BBIT
The applicants should have the following qualifications:
1. Senior Lecturer: Holder of PhD and some publications or textbooks;
2. Lecturer: At least holder of PhD;
3. Assistant Lecturer: At least holder of Master Degree;
4. Tutorial Assistant: At least holder of First Degree (Upper Second).
Salaries and Other Benefits
Successful applicants will be provided with:
1. An employment offer to start working from October 2017;
2. A permanent contract once they have served three years with good performance;
3. Good salary, house allowance (20%) and reasonable transport allowance;
4. Health insurance that will start operating very soon.
Mode of Application
An applicant is required to submit typed application letter with detailed Curriculum Vitae and
copies of relevant academic certificates. He/She should also indicate his current postal address,
telephone number and e-mail.
Applications should be addressed to:
Vice Chancellor
Zanzibar University
P.O. Box 2440 Zanzibar, or one can submit his application letter and other documents directly to our offices in Tunguu, during office hours.
Deadline for receiving application is 18th September, 2017. Only the shortlisted applicants will be notified
Zanzibar University invites job applications for the posts of Senior Lecturers, Lecturers
Assistant Lecturers and Tutorial Assistants as follows:
1. Faculty of Law and Shariah:
Three Holders of at least Master’s Degree in Law
2. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Department of Economics:
i) One PhD holder in Economics
ii) One Tutorial Assistant in Economics
iii) One PhD holder in Islamic Banking
iv) One Tutorial Assistant in Islamic Banking
Department of Public Administration:
i) One PhD holder in Human Resource
ii) One PhD holder in International Relations
iii) One Holder of at least Master’s Degree in French
Department of Languages:
i) PhD holder in Arabic as Native Language
ii) Holder of at least Master’s Degree in English
iii) Tutorial Assistant for Arabic Language
iv) Tutorial Assistant for English Language
Department of Social Work:
i) One Holder of at least Master’s Degree in Social work
ii) One Tutorial Assistant
Department of Information Sciences
i) Two Holders of at least Master’s degree in Library Management
ii) Two Holders of at least Master’s degree in Mass Communication
3. Faculty of Engineering:
i) One holder of at least Master degree in Computer Engineering
ii) One holder of at least Master degree in Telecommunication
iii) Tutorial Assistant for TelecommunicationPage 2 of 3
iv) One laboratory Assistant for Telecommunication
4. Faculty of Health and Allied Sciences:
i) One holder of at least Master degree in Midwifery
ii) One holder of at least Master degree in Pediatric
iii) One holder of at least Master degree in Critical Care
5. Faculty of Science
i) One Tutorial Assistant for Geography
6. Faculty of Business Administration
i) One holder of at least Master degree in BBIT
ii) Two Tutorial Assistants for BBIT
The applicants should have the following qualifications:
1. Senior Lecturer: Holder of PhD and some publications or textbooks;
2. Lecturer: At least holder of PhD;
3. Assistant Lecturer: At least holder of Master Degree;
4. Tutorial Assistant: At least holder of First Degree (Upper Second).
Salaries and Other Benefits
Successful applicants will be provided with:
1. An employment offer to start working from October 2017;
2. A permanent contract once they have served three years with good performance;
3. Good salary, house allowance (20%) and reasonable transport allowance;
4. Health insurance that will start operating very soon.
Mode of Application
An applicant is required to submit typed application letter with detailed Curriculum Vitae and
copies of relevant academic certificates. He/She should also indicate his current postal address,
telephone number and e-mail.
Applications should be addressed to:
Vice Chancellor
Zanzibar University
P.O. Box 2440 Zanzibar, or one can submit his application letter and other documents directly to our offices in Tunguu, during office hours.
Deadline for receiving application is 18th September, 2017. Only the shortlisted applicants will be notified