Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) Diploma and Certificate Selected Applicants 2019/2020

MRI selection 2019/20 - The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) 2019/2020 Selection –List of selected applicants The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) 2019-2020 academic year – MRI selected applicants 2019/20 - TCU selected candidates 2019 20 - selected applicants MRI

The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) Diploma And Certificate Selected Applicants 2019/20, The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) University Selected Students 2018/19, The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) Selected Applicants, The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) Selection List 2019/2020, waliochaguliwa kujiunga na The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) 2018/2019, Majina ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa MRI … Full details below.

The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) Diploma And Certificate Selected Applicants 2019/20

List Of Selected Applicants The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) University for 2019/2020 
Academic Session. Candidates Selected for Diploma And Certificate Admission Click here to see.

The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) selection, for 2019/2020 academic session will be available on this website when the full list of names have been released by The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) and available online.

About The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI)

The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) is a unique academic centre in the sub-Saharan region for its strong training middle cadre professional in mineral extraction and petroleum geosciences industries. In addition, to training, the institute participates fully in various geoscience researches and consultancy services. The vision is to become centre of excellence and provide manpower as middle cadre professional that serve in mining and petroleum (oil and gas) industries at all stages from upstream to downstream.

The institute has experienced personnel in training, research and consultancy provision in geosciences works for more than three decades from its foundation date in 1982 operating under the auspice of government of Tanzania through the ministry of  Minerals. To date the institute offer various tailor made short course and National Technical Award (NTA) Level 4, 5, and 6 that is equivalent to Diploma in various course such as Geology and Mineral Exploration, Mining Engineering, Mineral Processing Engineering, Petroleum Geoscience and Environmental Engineering and Management in Mines. The institute aims at offering similar course at level 7 and 8 which is equivalent to BSc. Degree level in near future.

The Institute has opportunities of being located at favorable geological environment in mining and petroleum industries. The institute gets supportive power from stakeholders including the government and other international Institute including the college of the Rocks Canada, Saint (southern Alberta) Canada, Dedan Kimath Technical College of Kenya and others to mention few of them.  Your advice about the development and changes you would like to see at MRI are invited through