The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) has reviewed the Circular titled Application for Ministerial Approval in Respect of Foreign Experts which was issued in 2007.
Thus, MoEST would like to inform all Education Stakeholders that from July 2017 all Employers/Education Stakeholders who intend to recruit/ employ foreign Teacher Instructors, Lecturers and Education experts are instructed to abide to the following guidelines.
Employer should advertise the posts in widely circulated newspapers and Official Websites;
No foreigner shall be allowed to work with any academic institution in the country without teaching license;
All applications should include newspaper cutting with name of the paper and date of advertisement;
Employer should make sure that the applicant(s) has completed filling the application form number RT.4 along with Appendix B and D as specified in the application procedure;
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) has reviewed the Circular titled Application for Ministerial Approval in Respect of Foreign Experts which was issued in 2007.
Thus, MoEST would like to inform all Education Stakeholders that from July 2017 all Employers/Education Stakeholders who intend to recruit/ employ foreign Teacher Instructors, Lecturers and Education experts are instructed to abide to the following guidelines.
Employer should advertise the posts in widely circulated newspapers and Official Websites;
No foreigner shall be allowed to work with any academic institution in the country without teaching license;
All applications should include newspaper cutting with name of the paper and date of advertisement;
Employer should make sure that the applicant(s) has completed filling the application form number RT.4 along with Appendix B and D as specified in the application procedure;
- The Employer should submit application forms with certified copies of relevant academic certificates and professional licenses (where applicable) issued by accredited institution and recognized by authorized academic and professional body of the awarding country. These awards must be validated by relevant academic and or professional body in Tanzania;
- Employer should submit elaborative application letter indicating why they need to recruit a foreign expert(s) along with the Curriculum Vitae of the candidate in triplicate;
- Employer should attach previous teaching license and Minister’s Approval when applying for renewal six months before expiring of the existing license;
- All academic certificates and transcripts presented in other languages should be translated in English or Kiswahili by a Competent Authority;
- Applicants for teaching posts in Pre-primary must have at least Diploma in Education/Diploma in Early Childhood Education. Applicants for Primary and Secondary Schools must have at least BSc. Education and Bachelor of Education in Science specialized in Mathematics, Science Subjects and Foreign languages;
- Applicants whose academic qualification is in the field of education must have an experience of not less than 3 years teaching in the classroom (for first grant);
- Applicants for teaching Posts in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institutions should have a minimum qualification of at least Bachelor degree in relevant field or in case of Workshop Instructors, applicant should have requisite competence as specified by Competent Authority;
- Applicants for teaching in higher learning Institutions must have at least a PhD in relevant field. Qualifications in rare professional fields would be determined by Competent Authority;
- Age of applicant should not be over 55 years for the first grant and not over 60 years for renewals. For Senior Lecturers together with their renewals should not exceed 65 years and for Professors should not exceed 70 years including renewals;
- Engagement of volunteers in the government and non-government institutions should be in line with the Agreements signed between the Government of Tanzania and other Country representatives or its organization.
- The employer or guarantor, who enters into a contract with the employee and obtains a teaching license for a particular institution, should report immediately to the Ministry responsible for Labor and Employment and MoEST once the employee breaches the contract before the contract lapses;
- A work permit shall be valid for a period of twenty four months, from the date of issue and may, subject to the provisions of Section 12 of the Non – Citizens (Employment Regulation) Act of 2015, and be renewed provided that the total period of validity of the first grant and its renewals shall not, in any case, exceed five years; and
- The Ministry will process applications and forward them to President’s Office Public Service Management and Good Governance within 14 working days from the date of submission.