Saturday, July 29, 2017

Volunteer in Africa - International Volunteer Work in Africa

If you are looking for volunteer in Africa opportunities, explore our various volunteer work in Africa programs.
Volunteer in Ethiopia
Volunteer in Kenya
Volunteer in Malawi
Volunteer in Senegal
Volunteer in Tanzania
Volunteer in Uganda 

Volunteer in Africa - A Medical Volunteer working in a Medical Lab
Volunteering in Africa will be a very rewarding experience for you and will offer you a good volunteer travel opportunity.
Our volunteer work in Africa programs cover a number of areas such as: Africa orphanage volunteer program, Africa teaching volunteer program, Africa medical volunteer program (ideal for nurses, doctors and other health professionals) and volunteer program amongst the Masai of Kenya.

Volunteer jobs such as teaching in Africa, volunteering in orphanages in Africa, assisting HIV and Aids patients in Africa etc will all help make the world a better place.

Volunteers in Africa get first hand information on social and economic problems facing Africa such as poverty, hunger, malnutrition, disease, unemployment and environmental degradation. They also contribute to Africa development.

Applications for our volunteer projects are welcome from throughout the world. We invite individuals, couples, families, students, researchers, and groups (churches, colleges, and student associations).

You can spend your gap year abroad in Africa or just come for a holiday. You do not have to be a student to participate. Our Africa volunteers come from different backgrounds and bring their much needed skills and experiences.

Volunteer in Africa - Orphans Volunteer at an orphanage in Africa.

You can come if you are retired, a student, need a carrier break, or need time to decide what to do with your life. We have something for everyone; young or old. Come and discover how things work in a different culture.

Our programs are flexible and volunteers can arrive and depart on any day all year round. If you would want a volunteer opportunity in Africa, do not hesitate to contact us.

Your volunteer trip to Africa will be a very enriching experience. We therefore welcome you to participate in our volunteer abroad programs.