Wednesday, July 12, 2017

TCU: New TCU Admission Procedure for 2018/19 Admission Cycle

Sections 5 (1) (c) (i) of the Universities Act Cap. 346 of the Laws of Tanzania, mandates  TCU to provide guidance and monitor criteria for admission to Universities in the United Republic of Tanzania. Hence, TCU is responsible for coordinating admission into various Undergraduate degree programmes in Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania.

In making sure that admissions into HLIs are fair, smooth and well coordinated TCU has prepared a procedure for that purpose. The procedure in place elucidates the roles of each key stakeholder in the admission process.

Application and Admission Process
In handling application and admission processes the following stakeholders will be involved: Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU), Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs), the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA), National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) and Prospective students.
The application and admission process will be as follows:

HLIs to advertise their programmes through various media;
Prospective applicants to lodge their applications to institutions of their preference;
HLIs to receive applications through their systems and authenticate the applicants’ qualifications through NECTA and NACTE databases;
TCU to issue accounts to each individual institution to allow exchange of admission data/statistics/information;

HLIs to process students’ applications and selections through their systems and approve Senates/Boards before uploading to TCU portal;
TCU to verify the lists of selected applicants using NECTA and NACTE databases and give feedback to HLIs for announcing admitted students; and
TCU to finally process and organize all admission data on its database for future use.

Minimum Entry Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees in 2017/2018 Admission Cycle
The Commission informs Higher learning institutions (HLIs) that they will only be allowed to admit students who meet the Commission’s approved minimum entry and specific entry requirements set for each programme as stated in the Undergraduate Admission Guidebook. The institutions should admit students in the three recognized schemes:
i. The direct entry scheme;
ii. The equivalent qualifications entry scheme; and
iii. The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) entry scheme.

The public is also informed that the minimum entry requirements for 2017/2018 for all programmes, except health-­‐related programmes are Available on the following link click to on the link to view